Mage Quest A Joke

Which moron thought adding this easy to do quest was a good idea?? Every time i come up against it they just bombard you with spells, complete the quest then have a never ending supply of ignites. Its an absolute joke of a game at this point. Only the sweaty try hards prosper, the casuals have no chance at all! Tempted to uninstall this dumb game and call it a day ive had enough of being steamrolled.


Game is as decadent as Blizzard itself… only mode worth playing is Battlegrounds, they could delete the rest…
Hearthstone mode is a joke, unbalanced, rigged, made to make you spend money here and I will never spend a cent here just for that, for being a money grabbing scam, where game bugs and flaws really stand up, and where clearly you can see how p2w game is, as ppl who waste money here will have an advantage, pure unbalanced and unfair trash mode.

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On a scale of 1 to 3
I give it a 3 right now

1 -trash
2 -big trash
3 -huge trash

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blud manz been saying it for ages mage needs some nerf

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Maybe if they add option to choose 2 class you never need to play against stop these meme decks

The same moron that thought its ok to come into a forum for the first time and thought he could come insult the devs just because he cannot get gud. If you cannot win against this deck then you are playing late game overpowering deck which is the bread and butter for a deck like quest mage which is a combo deck. Go learn the game before you come spouting nonsense.

u be chattin barez blud

Sorry i thought this was a english forum. Can someone point me to the english version please.


And there he is, the typical pay2win fanboy who thinks just coz i dont trawl the forums posting every little thought i have about this super unbalanced game then i must be “bad” and need to “get gud”. Come back to the discussion when you are over 18 and have adult responses instead of the typical 12 year old tiring insults…


I have never spent a cent on this game in the five years i play so please try again and no i am not 12

Just been up against another mage. Quest completed by turn 3 using cheap easy spells and dead by turn 8.
Thats fair to you is it?
Think you need a reality check and just for the record i havent spent a penny either. This game is broken and pay2win and i will never support games that go down that route. I played from the beta and until the shop opened everything was fine, soon after all the bullcrap started.

You are failing to say what you played. Also you going on about pay2win yet never spent a cent doesnt add up. How can this game be pay2win? Tell me. Where is the paywall. You can grind everything you want. Yes they made the game faster but how is that pay2win. Stop looking for reasons why you cannot win. What exactly is your win ratios. Or is the fact that you cannot win every single match a problem.

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blad manz lost 90% of games against quest mage. this waste archetype needs a nerf quicktime I swer down. your chatting breeze blud.

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So the man has trouble against a deck doesnt mean anything. Everyone coming to cry here for help against the deck is only helping by making it stronger because now even more players will play it. What is this new silly slang everyone is talking right now?

Just played another game against a mage, dead on turn 8 again. This game is very pay to win, the people who buy the most cards get the most cards, those who are free to play have to build up decks and build them from scratch. I dont know which version of the game you are playing or what is up with that tiny brain of yours but if you cant see this quest mage as a problem then its either cos your IQ is below 5 or you are infact a pathetic quest mage yourself and follow the rest of the sheep and just come here to brag like a typical teen.

Honostly that is just dumb reasoning. Dead by turn 8 means he is pay2win. I have been playing for five years. All i have to do is dust a few cards and i can craft that quest. Are you telling me you are expecting to get legend when you are still a new player? And no i am not pay2win. I have grinded my butt off for all the cards i have.

You only feel this bitter because you’ve lost.
If you think that by crafting Mage’s quest line, you’re going to fly through the ranks, then I’m sorry, I don’t think you will.
It’s a a hard deck to play, and people who do play it, know how to pilot it well.

I never said anything about Legend, thats your brain making things up again, the topic is about how broken and cheap it is to get the quest done and how easy games are won. If you think its in any way fair then you are part of the problem.


so a mage has to play 9 spells before that quest is activated including the 1 to play the quest itself. even if he is smart enough to get the quest done by turn 4 and plays the legend at turn 5. He still needs spells that do damage to actually do damage. Now after all you new players complaints i went on a alt account i have and dusted a lot of cards and crafted the quest and played around with it. Yes i did manage to make a insanely strong deck in the end which i will not reveal otherwise everyone will come cry again.

In my opinion the hunter quest is twice as broken as the mage quest and will probably see nerf before the mage deck does. Why? because the hunter does face damage while completing the quest and just uses the quest reward to finish you off while the mage uses removals and stalls to complete quest meaning the majority of his deck is stall, draw and removal which leaves that mage with not that many spells he can use to kill you with. If he manages to kill by any other means means that he was playing a non optimal deck which brings me back to what the hell are you playing that a non optimal deck can finish you off by turn 8. Stop complaining about minor things. What i want to know is what the hell are you playing that you feel the mage quest is broken. If you are facing a full blown Mage quest tier 1 deck at bronze then just relax because they will move up the list and you can play relaxed again. If you are higher up the ladder and not playing a equally strong deck then you should expect to lose. This is how hearthstone has always been played.

I think there should be a new rule here on the forum that if someone is complaining about a deck then they should post the deck that they have lost with so we can understand better where he is coming from.

Just rope every mage u see