I really hate cards like this, where if you have good rng you can simply win the game on turn 4. You have to deal with the 3/4 and then the 3/10 it summons on the next turn.
“But it happens 0.0000000001% of the time” It’s the law of big numbers. So many people are using this card it doesn’t happen whatever % of the time to you it happens much more often and it’s annoying.
Please steer away from the RNG design and print more interactive cards you can actually play around.
Meanwhile with me Mankrik’s wife decides to travel so far down the deck that by the time she’s found there’s not even bones left and the man himself has died of old age.
I’m commenting on something, not making a QQ post. Look at your account a post history. Literally in every single post you make you cry about something.
Ok lets see, post asking for warlock nerf, first day of school nerf, imprisoned Felmaw going to your face, paladin nerf, hunter nerf… want me to go on? This is just EU forum, not to mention US one…