Mercenaries Heroic Rewards

As much as I love the PvE Mercenaries content, heroic mode in particular because I like a good challenge. However, I am a but confused about the heroic rewards. I don’t see any difference between normal and heroic except for a little bit more XP.

Shouldn’t we be rewarded with more coins when finishing a heroic run?

In the Barrens you get more boxes for heroic, but the difference is small.
It would be nice, if the heroic rewards could be increased and maybe even changed completely, so we have more options to get certain coins.

Yeah it’s more rewards in the chest at the end (5 instead of 3 I think).

i tried some heroics as well a while back because it said there would be more rewards. So thinking it would give more xp to mercs and a nice bunch of coins i did a few. I did not notice anything about gaining more xp. the xp gain was just as slow. And the amount of coins was pretty much exactly the same as normal. So why would i do heroic if doing normal is far more quicker and gives the same rewards, so far more easier to repeat.

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