Missile Launcher + Venomizer is way too good

Bomb hunter you can beat. If you’re consistently beating control mech hunter as control warrior, they’re the ones playing wrong.

And this is exactly what’s wrong with posts like the OP’s. As Azra has shown there are always ways to beat strong decks, but the majority of people, instead of sitting down and thinking how they can get round the problem, just come on here and cry that decks are too strong and need nerfing.

True, there are decks that just suer hard counter yours. Like controll mages beating warriors even when mages missplay a lot. They just can put too many big targets for the warrior to deal with, and the controll warr can’t finish the game quickly enough.

Yet both popular hunter decks are just decent across the board. They can’t out tempo rogues, they can’t out controll mages or warriors, and can’t beat anything if not really lucky on their curve. Decent midrange all-arounders, that probably seem extremely strong at double digit ranks, but in reality are so far from “too good to get nerfed” that its almost amusing when people complain about them.

I must say that this combo is clearly broken.

An Easy condition : 2 cards to get it.

A clear effect on the rest of the board on the same turn you play it.

Opponents is unable to play minions on the board , only chance is to play a hard removal or a silence otherwise the effect is a board blocker for the rest of the game.

Even if the opponents manages to sucessfully remove the board blocker effect let’s say with a silence, the hunter still gets a minion on board and the trades are in his favor.

You play it even if there is one minion on board on your opponents side and it can never be bad, you either instantly win because opponents has no hard removal/silence or get a good advantage and the only condition is to get two non legendary cards.
The effect should be nerfed either with Missile launcher affecting himself or at least launching missiles at the begining of his turn so it lets the opponent a chance to trade and therefore the combo will have to be played with a correct timing.

And I must say that you’re wrong. It’s very powerful, and something I would look at IF I had to nerf something in Mech Hunter. But it’s not carrying the deck, and thus not ‘broken’.

Unless they got Rush or Charge. Or Divine Shield. Or hell, maybe a powerful Deathrattle effect you want to go off.

The latter which you should have in your deck already in this mech-heavy meta.

Sure. Because a 4/4 or 2/2 depending which Mech, Missile Launcher or Venomizer, was played first, is SO threatening.


That’s more reasonable suggestion. Although I’m afraid it would still render the combo unplayable. Because no one in their right mind is going to allow that thing to remain on board for even one turn. It would be kinda hard, actually next to impossible, to play that with a ‘correct timing’.

People are too focused on comparing it to other class spell while forgetting to address the fundamental problem with the topic at hand: it is a 6/6 on board with the ability to kill everything on the board AT THE END OF EACH TURN. All other class removals remove everything ONCE.

Keep in mind that by the time the opponents plays it you probably wont have anymore silences left in your deck because; 1- it is a mech deck, meaning there has been at least 2 high threat magnetic plays involving Wargear or some other B.S. before you get to that point, 2- you probably wasted all your resources at that point because it is a super aggressive deck.

Having said that, i wouldnt consider this a major problem in wild since wild is where all the possibilities are, meaning it is so much better. But in standart, especially after the nerfs we have seen since April, it is something to take note. What i mean by that is not all classes has the tools to deal with it, i.e. druids.

My opinion is that the problem is about the magnetic mechanic. I hated the idea since the day they announced it. Blizzard has done all they could to remove charge mechanic from the game whenever it was possible because it is not a mechanic that you can play around, it can come at anytime and in any situation and there is nothing the opponent can do to play around that. Same thing with magnetic, you calculate your resources for the board and out of nowhere another mech magnetizes with the one on board and suddenly you are 1-2 turns away from losing the game.

Sorry but I agree with Siperos. It’s generally a 6/6 body on the board, something which virtually every class in the game has tools to deal with beyond just silences. Priests have forbidden words/shadow word: death (hell a mind control is funny as f*ck), mages have fireball/vaporize/polymorph, shaman have hex, rogues have walk the plank/sap/assassinate/vanish, Paladins can give them a problem by dropping a buffed/magnetised Mechano-egg or using shrink ray, warlocks have siphon soul/demonbolt/twisting nether and I’m fairly certain I don’t need to go into the multiple removal tools that warriors have…and that’s not counting all the silence tools they have at their disposal

At the end of the day, if you are playing a mech hunter then you have to KNOW they are probably going to try to get this down at some point…if you don’t prepare to deal with it…more fool you

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One question.

That combo is as old as boomsday isnt it? Why is it such a problem now?

Is it because of the bear? So hunter jähas tiny specofic carddraw?

In my opinion it’s a problem now for a lot of players because they’ve become so reliant on ‘win more’ decks that didn’t require a massive amount of technical thought like resurrect and OTK priest…even odd paladin…that have been so consistently strong for so long that they’ve lost sight of the strategy aspect of the game.

well if that combo is going to be nerfed how about spider bomb? you literally have a deadly shot that can be manipulated and abused, I remember when I got the deathrattles trigger twice card and I traded into a minion, ending up with 3 perfect “trades” and that’s possible much sooner and it is not an anti-climatic clear, I think the problem people have but can’t express with this combo is that people rely heavily on board now (aside from warrior, and Azra told you what a good warrior player can do to this combo) with things like Conjurer’s mage and mech hunter/paladin a full clear that works passively can be hard to remove and quite frustrating, further more, usually around turn 8 we know who won, this is either the swing, the edge, or the nail in the coffin. You can play this, hero power next turn, go face and the 1 damage to face will be lethal :smiley:

the problem must be that this thing is played when people already lost or was winning in a very tight match and due to how strong the effect is they fell cheated

We can focus on whatever point of view you want but the fact still remains that it is not carrying Mech Hunter and there’s plenty of ways it can be dealt with other than just Silence.

Of course not! Except with Taunts…

Eeer, no. It isn’t. That’s just an outright lie. You know what you can do to counter that “Charge”? You kill all the enemy mechs, so they can’t be magnetized. That’s what I do if I’m afraid of a potential incoming Magnetize mech.

Just follow up with boommaster flark for $$$.
I think the balanceteam mistake the ranked for some “WTF” Adventureboss? No matter how much "morphin’ " or silence you deck its of no use.

simply not true …

even if the vanomizer would be a warrior card and therefore discoverable via omega or heropower …

its still not that opressive.

i tell you that as a zoo/aggro player

yes i lost to that … but in hindsight it as my own mistake of managing my resources very wrong… or maybe not peparing my deck for everything

mot people take netdecks and yes im one of them sometimes and i dont think there is any shame in that tbh.

the problem is that most people dont think where or from what meta does that deck come from.

when the vanomizer/misselauncher is not that comon in higher or legend ranks then the deck copied from that specific rank wont have too many answers or might even not be opimized against said combo.

when you use the deck in the lower ranks lets say 7-20 and we all know there are a vast majority of people who play netdecks, then you probably have to have your deck prepared for a different meta.

thats imo one of the reasons many people stuck in low rank and that is happening to me very often as well …

when i take my time to make my own decks they tend to bring me higher as the netdecks (but i still never gone over 12 because im a terrible player/metaanalyst :smiley: )

one of the reasons is that the decks i create have answers to things i face NOW where i am

anyone playing E.M.P. Operative? 5 mana kill the opponents 12/15 magnetized lifeleech taunt devine shield zilliax. neutral Epic (thx RNGsus for giving me 2 in packs :slight_smile: )


i just figured i might have misinterpreted your statement for him to take the flarkmaster deck as a response.

if so: apologize

There is no way in hell you can keep up with their minions. They are cheap, efficient and above all else has the best damn synergy in the game (mechs that is). Just yesterday i was playing against a hunter and he had Annoy-o-tron, Galvanizer, Venomizer, Mech Warper and Cogmaster on turn 3. Good luck keeping up with that BS.

Not with that attitude, no. Or your deck is simply bad against your opponent’s. Which sucks but can’t be helped.

If they’re cheap then it should mean that killing them is easy, with either minions or spells. At least kill the most dangerous ones.

If you’re going to bring Wild cards into the argument then we may as well not talk at all because Wild is irrelevant to me. I don’t play or care about Wild. I only care about Standard.

Wild is the dumpster ground for cards. And we should treat it as such. Not as something as serious as Standard. Not saying some balancing can’t or shouldn’t be done there. Heck, some balance changes for Wild specifically have even been made in the past. But there will always, ALWAYS, be crazy, obnoxious, even broken, combos in Wild. And more will come as new cards are released. There is no way around that. And balancing cards around two separate modes with different card pools would be a nightmare.

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The earliest ways to deal with those are Mass Hysteria (5, assuming you land some lucky hits) Dragon’s Fury (5) and Brawl (5). By the time you reach turn 5 it is all over anyway. Well how about some cheap and strong taunts like Tar Creeper or Ironwood Golem? Well they have their Venomizer and Spider Bomb ready to be MAGNETIZED…

A lot of people do and that includes me.

Standart is the true Hearthstone experience because Blizzard advertises it that way. It is new player friendly, easier to moderate but not necessarily fun. It is also serious because, again, Blizzard wants it that way. Are you playing the game because it is fun? Or are you playing to make a living out of it? If the case is the latter then why are we even arguing here, why are you even in this forum in the first place?

There is nothing broken about wild, it is just:

Im not asking for anymore balancing here, they introduced magnetize for some reason and now we have to deal with it. Im simply suggesting that they shouldnt introduce anymore brain-dead friendly mechanics anymore.

Let’s see some of the mechanics they introduced in the past year;

Rush: Strictly concerns the board so you can plan ahead, cards are fairly balanced so there are no win conditions about them, it is good to have them but they are not your main focus which is something that adds more flavor to the game, there is no downside to it.
Echo: Again, cards are fairly balanced so even if you somehow pull a massive combo out of them, the opponent still has a chance to counter. Again, adds more flavor, doesnt break the game. I think Warpath is one of the best cards they introduced in the year of the raven in terms of strength and balance.
Overkill: Another mechanic that doesnt become your win condition but it is something that provides you tempo when it is used correctly and when it is necessary. No complaints here.
Twinspell: Again, cards are really well balanced, you cant simply OTK your opponents with them, they are not your win conditions, they are usually expensive which gives your opponent at least 1 turn chance to deal with them or a chance to play around them. Again, doesnt break the game.

But when it comes to magnetized, there are 2 T1 standart and 1 wild only deck specifically designed for this mechanic. Do you see my concern here or do i need to elaborate a little more?

Pffft bhahahahah! Sorry. But I can’t take you seriously anymore after that sentence. “Brain-dead”? Seriously? That is an ‘argument’ only trolls and salty losers use of literally ANY deck/card they lost to.

Yes I do see your ‘concern’; anything that is very strong and is T1 that I lose to constantly, presumably, is automatically “brain-dead”. Magnetic mechs defining this meta and being the “brain-dead” cards now. Which they by the way weren’t when Boomsday Project first came out.

So, nothing new. Everything that has ever reached T1, became popular has been called “brainless” or “brain-dead”. Because god forbid people playing the best decks.

Mage player confirmed. :stuck_out_tongue:


Did your blood sugar drop all of a sudden?

Did you see me complain about Zoo Warlock, Conjurer Mage, Midrange Hunter, Tempo Rogue or Control Warrior?

Pirate/Tempo Rogue actually. At least in standart.

All i see here is insult instead of any arguments. Do you have something to write against the things i wrote or are you going to keep acting like a 6 year old?

You would love that, wouldn’t you? Well, sorry to disappoint you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Funnily enough all of those, except for Control Warrior, are not tier 1 currently. And I don’t think any of them were ever tier 1. Tier 2 at best. And if they were then only briefly.

Well, sorry if I hurt your feelings. But I don’t see any real worthy ‘arguments’ from your side. You just described the other keywords, explaining why you think they’re not BS and that’s it. I don’t care. We were talking about Magnetic. And your ultimate problem seems to be that Magnetic is meta defining, unlike the other recent new keywords.

Except for Twinspell that is very strong keyword as well and also meta defining. Especially for Mage with Ray of Frost they use to constantly freeze enemy minions and get more spells with Mana Cyclone. And don’t even get me started with Conjurer’s Calling. One of the most hated cards in this meta. Because turn 5 Mountain Giant followed by Conjurer’s Calling on the same turn is totally not “game breaking”. Well, at least they don’t have that problematic “Charge”, so I guess that’s why you think summoning two 7/8 Taunts on turn 5 is okay. Hence why I thought you were a Mage player. :stuck_out_tongue:

Says a guy who uses the word “brain-dead” to describe anything in this game.

But I’m done with you. Let’s just agree to disagree, although you’re still wrong because Magnetic is NOT a problem, even if it is meta defining, and no comparisons to other keywords will suddenly change that fact. Hell, you even said yourself that you’re not asking for anymore balancing, so why are we even wasting our time on this debate? Let’s just leave it at that.

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Why would i like something like that exactly?

Then why are you even complaining about Conjurer’s Calling in the first place?

Of course it is a problem but not as much as a 2x13/15 mechs on turn 5 or 6 by paladin. Also they dont tend to come back when they are dead. Would you rather have a Mountain Giant on turn 5 before it gets conjured with Khadgar a turn later or 2x13/15 which will inevitably come back 2 turns later? Keep in mind that you are dealing with 5 cards against a Conjurer Mage out of 30 (2x Giants, Khadgar and 2x Conjure, 7 if you count twinspell) while mech paladin has an entire deck of tools to deal with any given situation. Meaning mages may not even have their mentioned cards on the curve since they need to keep drawing constantly.

As i mentioned in my previous comment, i only have 1 COMPETITIVE standart deck and that is Pirate/Tempo Rogue and i didnt even lose against mages once so far. Because once you deal with their Giants it is all over.

As long as you keep things clean i have no complaints about doing so.