Missile Launcher + Venomizer is way too good

Missile Launcher + Venomizer: 8 mana board clear and keep a 6/6 alive able to do it again the next turns if not removed / silenced.

The combo above is right now one of the best aoe clear in the game, if not the best.

Compare it to Twisting Nether, same cost and effect but you keep nothing after you cast that spell, or to Brawl that for 5 mana can give you a similar output but it’s condotional, you need to play a minion and highroll, and anyway it won’t be auto casted again the next turn for 0 mana.

The only condition here is that you need 2 cards in order to do it, not hard to pull off if you track for it and are not unlucky.

I know that both the cards are around since Boomsday but the Mech Hunter archetype wasn’t a thing yet.

Suggestion: make the Missile Launcher deal damages to ALL characters, so it will get rid of himself if not shielded, and bring this insane removal tool back to earth.


Let me guess; you’re a Token Druid player.

As for your suggestion; no. It shouldn’t be too hard to remove a 6/6 minion from board. Well, except for Druid maybe. Hence my guess.

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No Sherlock, I don’t play druid. :smile:

It’s should’t be hard you say, well, not even easy, but regardless you are able to do it or not the following turn wasting resources on it, it still wiped your board better than anything else and forced you to react to it.


Le Gasps! How DARE a card demand my attention and WASTE my resources on it?!? THE NERVE!!!

Seriously, if removing a 6/6 minion with the ability to kill everything on board at the end of each turn of your opponent is “waste of resources” for you, everything is.

We simply can’t have good cards or combos in this game, can we?

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Let me guess, mech hunter player…

Define good, cause this combo seems a bit too good to me, and it’s all in your reply: “a 6/6 minion with the ability to kill everything on board at the end of each turn”.

Why, yes I am! What gave it away? :laughing:
Hunter happens to be one of my main classes. So I admit I am a little biased. :neutral_face: Even if I try to be as objective as I can.

Good = Something that works. I’ve noticed that people on these forums tend to have problems with almost anything that works well against them.

One word: Silence.

The more popular that combo, and Magnetized minions in general, will become, the more people will run Silences and ruin our days.

You’re welcome.

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I hardly can think that I ruined your day silencing a minion that just wiped my board no matter how big it was.

And in this all I didn’t mention the sinergy between this combo and all the bombs a mech hunter probably already have on board when played, simply cause it’s an overkill, the combo is too good regardless.

I don’t like hunter much, but saddenly I saw everyone playing it and climbing to Legend in no time, so I gave it a try. Well, there’s not much to say, the archetype is good, top tier deck atm, and that board clear feels like cheating.

Remember those people who dislike everything that works well, especially against them, that I just mentioned? Well, I’m sorry to tell you this. But you seem to be one of them. :pensive:

No point to talk to one because even if I listed every possible counter or a way to deal with the combo it would never be good enough for you. Not even that Silence that is every Magnetize-focused Mech decks’ nightmare.

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One thing I like to do against massive amounts of Missile Launcher users, as a Paladin…

Play some Argent Protectors on a semi-wide board.

Remember, with that mech in play, he can’t deal with ALL the Divine Shields without playing some minions of his own, which would die at the end of the turn anyway. Buff up what’s left and bam, down goes the missile launcher.
It also helps that the mech hunters that I’ve seen don’t tend to run weapons that much so they’d need some Rush minions to get rid of your Divine Shields, and they don’t tend to run those either.

There’s also Redemption for those situations when he does.

Lastly, I must mention a card that hasn’t seen a lot of play despite the impact it can provide against the ML+Veno combo:
Snapjaw Shellfighter gets rid of the poisonous combo on 2 minions that are next to it due to its effect, use it to your advantage

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As I mentioned, I played it myself and still think its power level is too high, you instead remember me of those people that if something is super good for them then who cares how other players feel.

And for the counters you listed (silence mainly), you are focusing on the fact that you can deactivate it the next turn, but ignoring that clearing a board of any size and keep a 6/6 (potentially able to do it again) it’s already too powerful, this is not subjective.

That’s not my idea of something that works, but rather something that works too well for just one class.

About nerf threads in general
After you’ve been here for a couple of expansions, you see a pattern evolving: Everything gets complained about.

One of the most recent examples is token druid. 2 weeks ago it was THE problem, now it’s been put into its place by better decks and everyone calms down about it.

there are pretty hilarious nerf demands, too, like Tyrantus and Gang Up.

people just like to complain instead of trying to find a way to deal with a problem and after a couple of months, it gets a bit annoying. in my opinion this is the reason that “nerf threads” generally aren’t greeted with open arms here.

=> this is just an explanation why nerf threads in general get criticized here. I didn’t mean it like you complain without having tried for a solution.

About dealing with the combo
I believe that Siperos hit the nail on the head though, even though he kinda disguised it:

This is a meta with heavy control / instant damage tools at the top, so getting rid of a 6/6 was maybe never easier than today. Except for those decks that don’t have them, but instead follow the “build board - pray it holds - kill enemy” game plan, like token druid.

so, many (most?) decks should have multiple ways of dealing with a 6/6 after around turn 8 and I think dealing with a dangerous 8-drop is only a waste of resources, if you spend more mana to do it then what was necessary.

About the power level of the combo
even though I’ve never seen this combo played against me even once, it’s easy to see that it is powerful.

I think there are arguments for both sides: “too powerful” and “still okay”

however I think that if you side with “too powerful”, you can’t do so in a vacuum, but instead need to look at other card combinations from the same league: Conjurer’s Calling + MTNGiant, Dr Boom + mechs, Waggle Pick + Leeroy + Shadowstep, to name a few.

if the goal is to limit the effect of very powerful card combinations, a lot of cards have to be changed. as I’ve outlined in another post the other day: I believe that this is the way hearthstone gets developed and I assume it’ll only go further into this direction. hence my believe that nothing will get changed here.

priest/mage player… not fun to see board decimated what ever is placed on it…

Priest? I thought priest has the most hard removal or silence in the game?

Am i wrong here?

To peraphrase your initial post
I really don’t have a clue how to play against one of the 3 fotm decks, so I’m gonna complain about it on teh forums.

If you know what to expect you will counter it before it happens
shorter TLDR: L2P maybe?

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Priest has only Mass Hysteria for mass removal, everything else was taken away, currently warrior and Huntard has the throne (Huntard -> Venomizer + Missile launcher) fallowed by shaman (each turn +1 aoe dmg + lightning and hagatha and other things) fallowed by mage and priest with mass hsyteria is probably last asides from rogue and druid and warlock.

But you dont need massremoval for a single target

OH MY GOD!!! A board clear that is as cheap as 8 mana???..this is terrible, we’ve never seen anything like this before!!! Oh, wait…Twisting Nether, Psychic Scream, Vanish, Brawl…etc etc.

Sh*t happens, boards get cleared, deal with it. If by turn 8 you don’t have a way to deal with the 6/6 minion left behind then you’ve clearly played into your opponents hands.

Top tip…know your opponent. If you’re playing against a mech hunter, you HAVE to expect he’s going to try to get this out if you build a strong board, just like you would expect a warrior to play brawl or any opponent to play any kind of card that might trip you up. If you can’t play around an opponents play then you have to be able to give yourself a way recover from it. Only a fool doesn’t consider what their opponent can do to them and make a plan to react to it

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Mech hunter is actually really ez matchup
You have to look at it as a dumbed down tokken druid - clear everything on board, so he can’t mag stuff. keepo one or 2 big single target removals
and soem healing/armoring and they run out of steam

I’m guessing you’re joking

Nope, have 100% wr vs mech/bomb hunters in 17 games with my controll warrior, and mech hunter is supposed to counter controll warrior.

IMO it comes from the fact that the deck requires some skill, and most people are just slamming cards on curve, hoping the warrior lowballs his answers. Hunters just can’t cope with the armor gain and all removals, used properly (you don’t shield wall on curve, but w8 for them to buff a single minion and shield slam it afterwards. The best a hunter got was downing me to 8 hp, and in the next turn I was back to clear board, 14 hp and 6 armor, with a taunter on board. In such cases they just conceede

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