Murlocs are annoying!

Since the Reveal stream just showed a bunch of new cards, we need to talk about some of them. Murlocs. Murlocs have never been a fun faction. they are annoying to play and to play against. These new cards don’t help at all to change it. In fact, if Murlocs become Meta I am officially going to quit the game. Thats just boring and anti-fun. Feel free to insult me for saying what I am thinking about it.
But you can’t say a 2 Mana 2/3 which generates a bunch of cards for your aggro deck is well balanced. This works especialy well with the new Murloc Legendary which reduces your murlocs cost to (1) Mana while only costing 4 Mana and comming with an okay body of 4/4. This in combination with the already existing cards might push it into meta and I really hope this won’t be the case. After all nobody knows what will be meta after the rotation yet.


Was thinking the exact same thing… More excrement.

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Well i wont see much trouble from those murlocs, yes they can spit their hand on the board and is a aggro deck , but with some board clears it can run out of burst real quick.

I don’t think you can say it’s not. Control decks have cards that generate infinite cards either in hand or in the deck. Aggro decks have always had card that generate other cards, either synergy cards or maybe random card generation and sometimes the control infinite value tools were nerfed but never have the aggro value generators had to be nerfed.

Now this is a class card for shaman that is only good with the unplayable quest shaman as you don’t have any murlocs on turn 4 and you might only after completing the quest, yet murlocs are weak so those RANDOM CARDS are gonna be weak. You are overreacting.

BTW. I know you are control mains, both, because aggro poops (forum rules :roll_eyes: ) on murlocs, who, after loosing the board which they always do, can’t make a come back so good luck becoming the meta. And maybe not even that good control players if you have problem with murlocs and fear a control meta after a 4 mana 4/4 murloc that does nothing is revealed

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No one has a problem with beating them.

Is what it’s about.

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Right, I’m sorry about that. But if you don’t enjoy a speciic faction…? that doesn’t matter, I don’t enjoy hero cards and Baku and I kept voicing my complaints and the devs who are mostly imbeciles (no offense) as they supported those mechanics after making them did nothing, at some point they found the same conclusion as me and rotated away the baku/genn BS which was good, and stopped making those cards, maybe if you keep being right for long enough it will not matter as it didn’t matter for me :smiley:


Ok so its official… im the Forum Villian.

I love Aggro. I love Murlocs and ill be working on a Deck in the next days.

You can hate me now.

Before anyone make fals assumptions:

I didnt play Hunter last expansion except for a selfmade Boommaster Bombhunter deck.

So far i dont intend to play them in shaman.

I got a decent rank 13 last season starting from 19 5 stars with warlock murloc and ill try to make it work again.

Why? Its fun for me

Judge me.

Why do people assume their opinion is the opinion off everyone?

Im ok with loosing after running out of steam. Im also ok to roflstomp slower decks because i can live with getting hit from removal every turn as well.




‘‘Murlocs are annoying!’’

MURKY will remember that …

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As a person who is fanatically against all agro decks, i dont think this will be a major problem in this particular meta. Because unlike the previous years we have a good variety of ways to deal with them. If you look at the card reveals even the classes with very poor early turn plays (i.e priest) will have ways to handle it.

Hah you think murlocs in their current state feel opressive? bro jump into my time machine, i wanna take you back to pre-nerf 4 mana CTA Anyfin Pally Meta. 100% Aggro in terms of board/damage pressure AND 100% Combo with 40+ OTK damage. Damn, thats opressive indeed!

Murlocs are fine. As long as they dont complete an all-in-1 package, they’re welcome. Even if they tend to be super-agressive, thats ok. There’s way too many cheap board clears in the game! In compensation there must be an Aggro counterpart. Dont get me wrong. I never play Aggro decks, but tbh mirror control games dont feel too exciting.

Imo a perfect Meta is pure Mid-range (e.g. WotOG Tempo Mage) or Aggro vs Control where choices matter from both perspectives.

Yeah man. Hero cards is tha deal! Back in the day you had limited slots, fitting a Ysera in your deck as a wincon, now you craft a Hero and thats already 10 times more powerful, as a tempo swing and getting value at the same time. Hell. I’d like to see more Aggro decks introduced as an answer to Hero cards.

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Murlocs are really fun I love how simple you can make a deck full of synergies with them. Murloc meta, why not.

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If Toxfin and Scargil were introduced in in Witchwood or Boomsday, I might have agreed. But now, with the quest rotating out along with some other really good Murloc synergy cards, I find myself disagreeing.

EDIT: Of course, Wild is gonna have a blast with those murlocs but that’s a whole 'nother story.


I have to agree with the majority here. I don’t see much of an issue with these cards. In fact, completely the opposite. Scargil and Underbelly Angler just give murlocs what they’ve often sorely missed, a way to re-generate pressure after a big board clear. Yes, they synergise extremely well, but getting them both on the board at the same time and keeping them both on the board for more than one turn will prove tricky as you’d only be able to play them both in one turn AND get some decent value from them from about turn 8 onwards, at which point your opponent is just as likely to have drawn tools to deal with at least one or both.

If any of the new murloc cards is powerful it’s Soul of the Murloc. Murloc decks can be difficult if they get on top of you but an AoE or two always pretty much stopped them in their tracks and they struggled to recover, but this card gives them a way to stick the board even after an AoE. The murlocs generated from this can be traded in combination with Cult Master for insane card draw and then you might find yourself getting swarmed all over again.

I’m not much of an aggro player but the murloc decks I’ve always found quite fun so I’ll definitely be giving it a try

Might have to retire my wild murloc quest shaman, as it’ll probably be too good now :grin:

Seeing as shaman didn’t really get any token synergy (from what I can remember) I can see the murloc package being the staple early game for shaman. But I think that’s fine, as it’s only 1 class and I don’t think it’ll be oppressive. It’s when it’s strong, neutral aggro that it gets tiresome…we get it your in charge.

You just sound like some spoiled kid that get upset because it’s not as you want. Buhu i don’t like murlocs and I’m going to quit the game if i’ll need to play against murloc deck! buhu. The world don’t spin around you, you know. You remind me of cartman with that attitude.

Murlocs are fine. Murlocs are fun.
Just get rid of Mecha´tun and the over powered priest cards.
Can’t wait to this and the next rotation.

cry baby cry
Post must be atleast 20 chara chit

Mostly people will be trying new decks and once the meta settles and deals the aggro onslaught. I thought control would come fourth and dominate but from the cards reveals not many early Taunts in the neutral pool theres nothing till turn 4 , by then aggro have built up a head of stream.

The 1 card that may see a nerf is jumbo imp , a full board of 6 8/8 turn 6-8, the combo has a 60% chance to happen with the combo pieces.

The early decks probably be Druid, Shaman, Paladin and Warlock. The midrange deck will be Hunter to deal with the above mentioned aggro classes. The mage class can be burst to midrange. The rest will be midrange to control.