My experience in high legend

Hi guys,

today I played a couple of decks:

  1. Midrange huntard - put Sire and won with him. Hunter is usually very oppressive and spammy deck. Easily Sire was 30+ infused and I killed the opponent.
  2. Imp warlock with Sire - same thing. I did not go to Sire but yea
  3. Shaman - Sire is bery good thing there as well. Won with him easily
  4. Druid - well, usual druid the only change I did was putting Zola for another Theodar xD So I stole both Theodar and Sire from my opponent’s druid.

What I mean is Sire is pretty much everywhere, Theodar as well. Those cards are so so good that there is literally no reason to do not include them.

Isn’t Aggro Druid way better than any Druid that plans to get to 10 since the Guff nerf?

I know the top legend meta is usually different from general meta but it was already one of the top decks, so I just presumed with it going untouched it would be steam rolling a lot of decks, especially ones trying to get to 10 mana. Actually be interesting if for some reason it isn’t.

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laughs in Spells Only Mage

Aggro druid does not play it very often. And yes, aggro is super good against Sire druid. But I have seen Sire there as well. Theodar not because they have no spot for it. I think it is the same as the other one, you can see priests, mostly quest.

laughs in Spells Only Mage - I haven’t seen a single spell “only” mage. I faced around 12 and they were all skeleton and big spell mages and some of them run Sire and ALL run the mad duke.

The mad duke needs adjustment - and it is very simple. Steal the card you want but give the opponent a random one from your hand.

Oh I wish you would have been around during the Darkmoon Faire days…

It was then. Now it is another story. I played it then but as a joke. It was pure RNG mage as well as Warlock dark something were transform your cards. By talking for Alex, second place for her with the meme Ysera. it was not me but still the build is a joke:

Yeah I got 1st with that build on the hero that gives you 7 minions every reroll (I had double glyph guardian though) Was easy top 2 but actually had to play pretty smartly to get the win cause I couldn’t find Nadina and was up against poison scam. Ended up teching in selfless and uther’d reborn macaw to beat there tunnel blaster.

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Yours is much more advanced and skillful. The fact that you needed to think for parrot + reborn. Most people will just go selfless. Good job.

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i can cut it short for u, my experience in high legend is:

ur opponent Theo your Sire- gg concede
ur opponent rng mutanus ur Sire - gg concede
ur opponent steals ur Theo and then ur Sire - gg concede
ur opponent is Druid with 3 Sires - gg concede

VERY RARELY i see opponent without Sire win condition, its like game is all around based around one card atm, its sad asf…

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Theotars the problem not sire

Blizzard employees are the problem. So do not feel sorry when they FIRE the trash! Celebrate!