Neptulon priest ruined wild

I sincerely believe the hearthstone team and blizzard in general is the worst company in the world. being unable to balance the game to this extent is truly embarrassing and it never happens in ANY other competitive game. the fact that there are some people that think wild hasnt been RUINED by neptulon priest, probably explains why blizzard hasnt have even 1 game that is actually competitively viable or watchable. if a balancing team doesnt understand that a deck that ALWAYS DESTROYS 99 percent of decks and usually wins by turn 3 and forces an entire ladder playing that deck or shaman and mage as a counter then there is something wrong. I will uninstall and you should do the same. it has been 4 months people have been raging in the forums about big priest and nothing gets done.


It is balanced, it is no more powerful than the other top wild decks. So saying they can’t balance is actually just a reflection of your bias misunderstanding of the power level of wild decks.

That being said, I 100% agree that it makes wild a much less fun format and something should be done about it. Beats on any fun deck and in competitive games your decisions matter less than normal as it near always just relies on their draw.

They’ve shown the willingness to nerf because of fun, not just power in the past, so they should step in here.

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If they haven’t nerfed for fun, we would still be stuck with Demon Seed Warlock in Wild.
Unforgettable insanity.

You obviously haven’t played the deck. I have. It certainly loses and it certainly not always has the right card on turn 3.

It’s a powerful deck, yes. But so are most of the decks in Wild. Whenever I level up with it, it gets harder and harder to win. So skill is definitely involved. Get a good counter deck and now how to play it.

thats exactly what I mean. its people like YOU that are the problem. completely clueless and you didnt grasp the point at all. The issue is:
THIS DECK IS SO POWERFULL that it always -100 percent of the times beats all the other decks no matter the draws. SO it FORCES the ENTIRE LADDER to play only this deck or its counters. completely eradicating some of the classes viability. THE REASON an unskilled person like you uses it to Rank up is this… from gold 10 to high diamond and legend i encounter this deck half the games. a deck this unfun where half the games are being forfeited at mana 4-5 when the first essence is played cannot remain in any serious game. hearthstone unfortunately is not a serious game credit to oblivious devs. WHAT other deck forces players to forfeit at mana 4 CONSISTENTLY. even the highest high roll aggro wouldnt do that more often than 30 percent of the times.

There are many more decks competing on the ladder. Neptulon Priest is just one of them.


the good thing about this discussion is that it brings forth the hidden neptulon Big priest and blizzard apologists which is always a sorry view. if the endless amount of rage in all the forums and social media for THIS PARTICULAR deck and NOT any other deck isnt giving you a clue of whats happening in wild then nothing will.

It’s just the vocal minority that complains. Most Hearthstone players don’t even visit the forums.

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I didn’t say JUST forums. I said forums AND social media. every video or article and report on the stage of the wild ALWAYS focuses on this deck and its negative effect. Its always the same excuse by the apologists. its ok HALF the games in the ladder are a 1 min long 4mana forfeit against big priest because you can try for a win against its counters which are the rest of the 3 decks played in wild or play the counter yourself. thats your 2 options. @SashaFleyder good luck playing demon hunter in diamond or higher in wild apologist

It wins 100% of the time, yet in the latest tempo storm wild meta snapshot it’s rank as the 15th best deck and T3.

If you believe it wins 100% of the time, no matter the draw, then the problem is your deck (giving you the benefit of doubt). Even my scuffed decks win occasionally when they draw badly, despite it being an instant concede any time they draw average, let alone good.

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The only truly busted deck was Demon Seed Warlock im Wild.
A low curve deck with the key card always being drawn on turn 1. Everything in it either drew cards, destroyed the opponent’s tempo or progressed the quest.

It had no counters whatsoever, decimated everything in its path and mirror matches were a coin toss.
It was complete and utter nonsense and it literally took over the ladder, because everyone who was not playing it, was losing to it.

That’s the meaning of busted.

Neptulon Priest is frustrating to play against, that at least I agree with.

OK, I get it now. You’re just trolling.

Excellent comment Xemnas, Neptulon priest deck it’s the worst deck ever.Make sure they don’t do anything. It’s nice to see sensible players on this forum.

there seem to be so many comments that completely lost the point and are unable to read it seems. I DIDNT say it wins 100 percent of the time all the decks available. I SAID that it wins 100 percent of the time all decks THAT ARE NOT A SPECIFIC COUNTER to this deck. why is this notion so hard for you to understand. it forced the entire ladder to play shaman mage aggro plus a few super early aggro decks. all the control decks that are not shaman or mage cannot be played against this deck. this deck has become one of the most popular decks so its useless not to play a counter in the ladder. is this hard for you to understand? it reduced the amount of viable decks tremendously and effectively ruined the wild.

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Yeah and I said my jank fun decks sometimes win when they draw bad.

It actually gets destroyed by combo decks more than aggro because when they miss the high roll (which is statistically about 90% of the time), wild combo decks kill them way before they pick up steam.

The silly thing is if you actually read all my posts I actually agree with you, it’s just that your exaggeration is hiding a genuine issue.

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To be honest - neptulon priest is a really annoying deck, but it is only a SYMPTOM of much larger crisis in the game - and that is uncontrolled draw and MANA CHEATING.

The other issue is how popular the deck is. You meet priests and Neptulons twice as often than other decks (except mage, but there are more archetypes than in priest, 200 games record).

Unfortunately I am afraid that we will face bigger issues after the expansion. At least Denathrius finally got nerfed.

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I think you may have just found your MMR ceiling and are projecting. For someone who has played Neptulon priest there are plenty of decks that beat it, and plenty of bad draws that gimp it.

Now as an example, secret mage RUINS it with a simple counter spell, Discard Warlock destroys pretty much anything RN and unless you draw well Neptulon is not unbeatable.

Yes it’s strong and with a good start can pull out Neptulon turn 3 (only 2 cards and a lot of luck can make that happen) .
But then the equal amount of times you mulligan a card and get Neptulon in hand at the start and sit for the rest of the game watching your opponent grow a board and your struggling to get a 5x5 to stick to gain momentum is equally as frustrating for us.
Priest has the lowest win rate pretty much in hearthstone, stop trying to nerf the only saving grace they have and learn to deal with it.

This could be fixed with a ‘Not Ressurrectable’ tag, or having a weaker minion appear in it’s place when a resurrection is made…

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Neptulon priest isn’t the main problem of this game.

It’s every highroll deck that cheat big minions or combo with the good hand, or just sucks otherwise.

Those decks are just garbage and make Hearthstone a clown fiesta game.

No point and no fun playing this sh.t, but we will have to deal with.

I want to start playing Neptulon Priest could someone give me a deck plz blud??? I want the easiest deck to pilot plz blud. safe blud.