For the past year or so, literally every time I have tried to play any part of this game other than battlegrounds, I have only seen one type of opponent. Death Knight.
It seems as if nobody plays anything else than Death Knight, and I do not want to play it.
I can’t win any games against it. There is no point in playing anymore.
The game just isn’t fun in any way when everyone only plays Death Knight.
Virtually every card in the DK’s decks are “I Win” cards.
Everything the DK does results in your deck being loaded with things which kill you.
So if you like to play Warlock for example, you will never win. But Paladin seems to have nothing against DK either.
Why has the DK not been nerfed into the ground?
It is far more overpowered than the Demonhunter was when it was first launched.
DK is way too OP, on another level. It has completely ruined the game for anyone who doesn’t want to play it, or doesn’t have the cards to play it.
Yet Paladins and Shamans have been far more powerful than DK prior to the StarCraft stuff. The only reason DK are strong again is because of that.
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I’ve returned to HS mid-Whizbang. Prior to PiP I’ve played around 300 games, and 25% of matches were against DK. Out of 11 classes. Does it tell you anything?
I don’t even want to go through specific cards and metas. DK was cancer for the last year, and Zerg stuff was just a nail in the balance coffin.
I’ve been playing consistently in every expansion since long before DK became a thing and yes, they have not been a cancer deck for a long time. Only recently have they become strong again.
Tbh most of my losses are to protoss druids stacking hero power dmg
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I’ve played since 2014 and I’m a player that refuse to play meta decks since those are boring, but since the release of DK class I’ve been a DK main and I’m a Highlander DK with only cards that are either Discover or have Randomness in the card itself.
with that said I think the Zerg card Infestor is a huge issue in DK to the point I want the Deathrattle to become Spellbound since I’m tired of seeing the 1/1 zerg cards becoming atleast 13/13 or higher.
the only cards I run from this Mini-Set is Grunty and Brood Queen, but from the latest expansion I also use Bob the Bartender, Astrobiologist, Relentless Wrathguard, Ace Wayfinder and Kil’jaeden (crafted this one because of TNT Warrior) so I use only 7 cards from the latest expansion (including Bob)
Edit: forgot to say if my deck good? not really since it’s too random for me to get past Platinum rank + my deck have no spells and the only Hero card is Reno for the random hero power
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I’ve been playing since the beginning and I’ve seen a lot of decks that made me laugh. For example, Secret Paladin or Tremblemouth Shaman, but there hasn’t been one as stupid as Zerg’s deck yet. The same Asteroid Shaman required a bit of skill… For Zerg’s deck, you can make more than one mistake and still win.
I want to ask Blizzard why you despise players so much and do you have any desire to develop a game in which interesting decks can still emerge?
this. I see a DK then watch them play the combo, all I can think is
“well googled” and I immediately nope out, you win, enjoy the win with your unfun mechanic I cant get past.
Play Zerg DK in Diamond and you will realise its not as great as you think it is. Its great in Bronze etc but its often outplayed at higher ranks.
That’s garbage. As a legend player this deck is completely out of control. No more is there immersive decks based on controlling the game, playing skillfully, building decks that actually require some base level of knowledge. This DK zerg deck is one of the most braindead decks I’ve ever seen in the history of hearthstone…
If you were legend then you would know that simply isn’t true. It isn’t even the top deck in this meta lol, its Tier 2. This is a skill issue on your part.
You are young I accept that but until you have something constructive to say don’t say anything, you just make yourself look silly.
I am older and wiser than you, enough to know that you play a bad match up against DK and that is it. I’m yet to see a valid argument from you as to why they are good even if they have a bad start, or why clearances and other board control such as silence don’t work. You have given nothing constructive but just moan that you can’t beat them and demand nerfs. They are Tier 2 with 5 decks performing above them statistically. Basic maths kind of implies that either your skill level is the issue, or your deck is the issue. Zerg DK are strong, but there are plenty of decks that can beat them with relative ease. You accuse me of being young, simply because I do not believe you are legend. That implies youthful arrogance on your part. Until I see something intelligent enough from you as to why DK are OP, I will fail to believe you are past Bronze or Silver. Oh, and don’t start with they are braindead. The most braindead deck I’ve ever come across was Face Hunter years ago. Braindead decks have always been a thing (I’ve been playing since 2014) and control have suffered plenty over the years due to these decks. That is not exclusive to DK and I’m not saying its a good thing. I’m just saying Zerg DK is not as powerful as you seem to think it is and can be countered easily unless they get going early. I will admit, if they good cards at the start, they get extremely hard to beat, but that is the same for all good decks.
I apologise I’m not going to read your essay.
Do yourself a favour and watch Kiblers video on year of the raptor. He explains in detail the issues with zerg DK and he’s put in a tremendous amount of hours playing and breaking it down. I’m glad it’s not just 95% of the community that feel the same way eh Bigdaddyrob…
Stop acting like a petulant child and go to school.
The top tier deck according to HS replay is Secret Hunter with 58.7 win rate. Zerg Dk is 55.99 win rate so while tier 2 hardly a significant jump. It isnt like previous metas where the difference between top and tier 2 was between 5% and double digits. Even then best performing variant is 61.62 for hunter VS 65.19 for DK.
Doesnt feel like all of DK is an issue but the scaling through multiple death rattles and Viper is ludicrous. The fact that this renders -attribute cards completely redundant by overriding them is also an issue.
I suggest tackling the Kibler video argument, that’s one of this guy’s strongest points.
It’s not a good point, but it’s something.
Yet again an immature comment that requires no real response. “Petulant child” only a child would say this trying to act like an adult. Your not fooling anyone Rob. Laughable infact.