Guardian Animals mana 7 is a dual class card Druid/Hunter. The card itself only draws 2 beasts with rush that cost 5 or less. The card itself is not powerful at all normal staple card really.
The druid ramp and Twilight runner cost 5 mana 5/4 draw 2 cards makes it look OP. Its simple really run a tempo low cost deck to counter it 70% of the time you will win.
Example would be a Hunter class low cost minions with draw mechanic. Then you think it will struggle vs other decks which are aggro or other control decks like warrior/Priest etc. The secret is in the word also run un targetable minions works great that should lead to build a decent deck.
Or if you can afford it , keep the 5/4 alive so he mills himself to dead
Thats only works if the druid player is stupid.
bruv lets be honest they need remove demon hunter from the game and if possible buff priest. cuzzy.
Priest needs no buffs simple because its not a fun deck, its predicatable/boring/not nice to play or against it. Priest seems the class which for the past 4 years has had 1 arch type re-active spell removal resurrect mechanic. Thats probably the dev fault for not thinking straight and destroying that class as well as shaman no new decks as such. If you only play priest suggestion play a more interesting class with more 1 type play style. I tried many arch types of priest some were successful but overall I do not Priest because its press end turn button to often with no interactive play on board thats its problem.
In relation to Demon Hunter is new refreshing has many arch types to play and new players get a chance to ladder up quickly and experience that class instant unlock when you play Hearthstone first time.
Its brought a lot of players back and new ones as well from blizzard point of view a success but draw backs were the many nerfs to correct the over tuning of that class cards.
bruv your post is too long manz ain’t got enough attention span to read that shizzle.
I Just encountered my first minimum effort Druid build and have to agree, The problem is mana growth plus the the ability to make already over powered spells cost next to nothing, minimum effort, zero risk.
I don’t get it,why always needs to be one or two OP characters like now druid in HS?! they nerfed demon hunter but druid is way OP then all other characters especially with his cheap spells for mana!
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They have to remove the 0 mana cards if you have 7 or more crystal. It’s not even a true condition, he will always end with 7 or more mana, sooner or later.