NERF HELYA, please. She is making facing DK true cancer

Hey guys, I enjoy climbing the ladder like any other dude, but seriously the card Helya is ruining the experience 9/10 times you play against it.
The fact that it makes Plagues (that they can shuffle 500x into your deck) unending just makes me want to vomit, especially since she’s a 4 cost drop that also shuffles 1 of each plague into your deck.
Nerf that piece of ssss and make it a 8 cost 6/6 or something.
Completely cancerous to play against as is.

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Helya is one of the strongest cards in the DK deck. Without it Plagues are much weaker.

If they nerf Helya, then they’ll have to nerf all other “until end of the game” minion effects in Hearthstone, and I don’t see that happening.

Are you playing on EU ladder atm?
Doesn’t matter what rank you’re at from 10 bronze up to 1 diamond and certainly above, you’ll face a boatload of DK’s that basically get carried by Helya on turn 4, which weirdly enough seems to be in their hand pre turn 5 every game :joy:

Sure, I meet other strong stuff like the handbuff pala and so on but those other ones feel allright to me. I mean, at least I ain’t straight up losing to my own deck when dying to them.

Something should definitely be done if they’d ask me. The frequency of facing this Helya-based deck at this point in time is insane, and that’s just another sign of how stupidly strong it is.

Yes, I’m on the EU server.

I play more Twist this season,( I think it’s brilliant what they did with this format),but yea, I know that there are a lot of Death Knights in Standard. I’m probably one of them.:smiley:
It’s one of my favorite classes. Excavate DK is one of my favorite decks.

I even mulligan for Helya, and I always keep it in my starting hand. It’s that strong.
As I said, if they’re planning on nerfing her, then they’re bound to do it with all other minions that have a permanent effect on the match.

Plague DK is a modest deck; it’s not unbeatable. It loses to a fair amount of other decks.

Yup. Heyla decks are cancer of cancers. All that “accually, it gets beaten by other decks” is just copium. Deck is braindead, all you need is to play plagues, and drop Heyla as soon as you get her. That’s it.
And the fact that some ultra-broken aggro garbage beats it changes nothing.
Oh and about “nerfing other until the end of the game cards”. You know this card called Deepminer Brann? How it got butchered? Why the same does not or should not happen to Heyla? Because the DK player base would permanently shorten in half if it was nerfed to even “if you deck has no duplicates”? And by “permanently shorten” I don’t mean just uninstalling Hearthstone.