Nerf raiding party or waggle pick

I’d honestly simply make it such that the 3/3 taunt guy, can’t be reduced below 1 mana cost to prevent turn 4 pick + 2 dudes.

I think your problem there is the decks you’re playing aren’t particularly high tier decks, they are niche decks that aren’t as consistent as the upper tier decks. Admittedly I don’t know the specific construction of your builds so I cant speak with 100% accuracy as to whether your build has the tools to deal with what you are having problems with, but the net-deck versions of them aren’t built to handle countering rogue in its current format.

Don’t get me wrong, play what you think is fun, but you can’t play an uncompetitive deck type and be surprised when the stronger tier decks beat you.

Not saying it to be harsh or mean, just pointing out the flaw in your game plan. Unfortunately this is one of those games where you either play what you find fun and sacrifice being competitive or you play what’s competitive and sacrifice some level of enjoying what you’re playing. If you can get a good mix of the two then you’re lucky :slight_smile: I can’t stand rogue, it just doesn’t gel with me so no matter how strong it gets it’s unlikely that I’ll play it, but that won’t stop me trying to find something I do enjoy playing that counters it :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with you, my decks are fairly weak against rogues but I’ve tried multiple earlygame decks and played against them too. Rogues swing at turn 4 is just out of this world and I really feel like if blizzard reads these forums they should take action soon…

This has actually be been up with Dean Ayala in an interview recently and this is actually how they want rogue to play. Yes the turn 4 swing can be huge if they get the right cards, but the draw back to that is that they have to play a lot of cards in one go to maximise that swing and/or utilise a lot of cheap cards to do so. This can leave them open if you can deal with that swing because if that huge turn 4 swing fails it can often take them a couple of turns to recover or they have to repeat the same big swing again immediately and risk even further set back if it is dealt with by their opponent again.

I used to love playing tempo rogues with my old freeze mage deck, the ability to just constantly pin down and pick off their plays was very effective. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a new freeze mage variant rear it’s head before long

You mean nerf raiding party or the 4 mana 3/3 taunt pirate but whatever, I’m used to such “misspellings” in “Please nerf” complaints

No, I mean the huge tempo swing turns that rogue can pull off, they like that as a class identity.

The whole interview is here if you want to read it:

Rank 1 currently
with Wizbang decks since 5 :smiley:

when an arguments starts with “I see” or “I think” it’s allready biased. You and I play such a low number of games that class distribution I see can differ enormously from what you see.

Playing minions = playing answers

I’m sure I made some misplays, but how is this not beyond retarded?

Back to wild casual, trying standard to see what the fuss is about was a mistake.