Nerf raiding party or waggle pick

So a 3 mana card that draws 3 cards on the simple condition that it’s a combo. Compare this to vanish which draws 4 and costs 7 mana it seems pretty damn strong, right? Not only does it draw 3 cards, it often draws the PERFECT turn 4 play with the pick and 2 corsairs. How stupidly broken is this card/the pick and when are you gonna hotfix this? Weapon destruction barely helps either and is a dead card against the tier 2 decks out there…


Of course it is. Because SPRINT is TERRIBLE on its own without Preparation.

That’s because that’s how the deck is build.
Considering that Rogue is not currently on Tier 1 but is a solid Tier 2, not much.

When it becomes a problem I would imagine.

It destroyes the weapon… How is that only “barely” helpful? The Deathrattle is still triggered but you still most likely ruined the Rogue’s combo with something like Leeroy Jenkins.

And you know that there are other classes who use weapons, right? Warrior with their Wrenchcaliburs and Super Colliders, Paladins often run Truesilver Champions, Shamans and their Likkims. And you can ruin Burgle Rogues’ days by destroying their Spectral Cutlasses. Plus the ooze’s stats are decent, so it’s not like it’s entirely useless on board.

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What? None of what you said makes sense. Of course vanish is suboptimal without preparation, but preparation also works with raiding party as i’m sure you’re aware off, or are you?

You claim rogue is a tier 2 deck yet it’s everywhere on the ladder and in a lot of high legend streams next to control warrior. The last games I played on rank 2 and 1 has been about 75% against rogues. It’s very similar to being as unstoppable as midrange hunter was in the end of last expansion if it draws right. Even if it doesn’t draw right you still have to worry about a big Edwin and lackeys which deals tons of damage. I run weapon destruction in basically all my decks and if you didn’t draw one of them before round 5 well rip you’re down to 10-15 hp, dead to pred myras evis evis saps etc.

Maybe try play some high ladder and you’ll get a grip! I explained is as much as I could.

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Yes. Yes I am. But you know what you weren’t aware of? You got the cards’ names wrong. You called Sprint as Vanish.

But then again so did I in my reply without even noticing at first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course it is. Because Tier 2 decks are good decks. Why wouldn’t they be all over the ladder?

The horror.

Welcome to card games; sometimes you don’t get the cards you desperately need!

Meh. Don’t care to grind my way up. Besides, I don’t need to play in the high ranks to know what the meta is or where to check the data telling me that Rogue is currently tier 2 deck.

Oh I did type vanish. damnit.

Well I’d love to find you multiple clipped streamers that recommends tempo rogue as it’s the one safe craft at the moment but I’ll just link you the one clip I have in memory.

Althought I shouldn’t argue with anyone who says tempo rogue is a tier 2 deck I will stop it now. Live in your rank 20 and stay happy, you won’t like what you see in rank 5+. =)

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No need to. Of course they would. It’s a good deck. I don’t need streamers to tell me that.

You’re not arguing with me. You’re arguing with unbiased data collected by HSReplay from hundreds of thousands of matches. That’s the site I look at. I rather believe that than some random guy on the internet.

[Edit]: Oh hey, I just checked it again and Rogue is NOW listed as Tier 1 along with Druid and Hunter. Congratulations! You are right! :smiley:

Thank you, I will. :slight_smile:

@Siperos You miss the point. F@ck statistics for a sec, i need no stats to tell me what Tier Rogue is when 50% of my games on rank 1 is Rogues, 45% is Token Druids and 5% is everything else alltogether.

Raiding Party: 3 mana Combo required, draws 3 cards, for the sake of argument lets say it’s 4 since you prolly gonna play a Lackey to trigger the full effect. Still! 4 mana, draw 3 cards? Are you freaking kidding me? Nourish was at 5 and it got nerfed! There’s no card among all xpacs that’s so vfm. Plus, cards you draw are targeted, you know with 100% certainty what u’ll to get, letting you plan 1 or 2 turns ahead.

Raiding Party is too good. inb4 Blizz drops a nerfhammer once again, time will prove me right. If its not RP, its gonna be Leeroy.

There’s always gonna be one guy who knows nothing and still argues for the sake of arguing… I agree fully with you btw, other card drawing mechanics are nowhere near raiding party in terms of power.

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Even when compared to Master’s Call and maybe The Soularium?

Statistics to aside, I don’t claim that Raiding Party is not strong. It obviously is. But is it a problem? I don’t see it as one, no. Not any more than Master’s Call because just like Master’s Call Raiding Party has conditions. It’s a Combo card for one, but that’s not much of a requirement for Rogue admittedly. Especially with Preparation making it cost zero. But it only draws Pirates and a weapon. If you happen to run out of either of those then the card is suddenly not as good. It doesn’t just draw cards. At least Hunters don’t run out of Beasts easily.

But that’s just my humble Rank 20 scrub’s opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

[Edit]: Hmm… Actually, after thinking about it some more after some goodnight’s sleep with a more clear mind I wouldn’t mind if Raiding Party was nerfed by increasing it’s mana cost by 1 to 4. 5 would be an overkill in my opinion. It would still cost 1 with Prep, so you would be spending some mana on turn 3. I think that would be fair enough. I rather not touch any of the weapons themselves, though.

Raiding party deserves a nerf.
If you think the standard situation is that strong, you should see Kingsbane Rogue in Wild mode.
Raiding Party is the sole reason why you can die by turn 5-6 in Wild mode against Rogue.

Frankly, I disagree. Soularium and Master’s Call were already mentioned by Siperos but there is also Juicy Psychmelon. And that card was so good they had to nerf a card in Wild. AFAIK it’s the only time a card that was already in Wild had been nerfed.

There’s other variables on the table such as what it draws. Phychmelon comes nowhere close to RP. Playing no 4-drop to draw a 7, 8, 9 and 10 drop? Too slow. But drawing 2 little pirates with Charge and a weapon which is basically Charge-Removal for 2 turns? Now THATS some value. Druids got no Prep so Rogues can get the draw and play SI for example, removing your 2 health minion or a juicy 6/6 Van Cleef.

Master’s Call is strong indeed but Hunter doesnt have the tools Rogue has. No SI, no Prep, no Sap, no Backstab, no Edwin, one of the worst hero powers.

Rogue is a powerhouse right now. You can’t deny that.

No one was saying Rogue isn’t a powerhouse. The question is; is Rogue too strong of a powerhouse? If so, what card(s) should be nerfed. And Raiding Party COULD be one of those.

Of course it doesn’t. Because it’s Hunter. They got other tools though; Kill Command, Springpaws, Dire Frenzy, Unleash the Beast, Nine Lives and Scavenging Hyena is basically their Edwin.

Besides I thought we were talking about Raiding Party and not every good card of the Rogue class. What does Edwin, Sap, SI etc. have to do with Raiding Party?

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Making a rant post, just to attack people who debunked the falacities in OP seems trollish to me.

Is so?
Ok, your personal bias, vs mine - from rank 9 to 2, I’ve seen exactly 2 rogues. Barely any in legend, tell us more how rank 15 experience defines the meta.

Screen that proves it with at least 50 games, or I call this number made up and BS

Are we playing the same game?

You, sitting idle, and not playing minions, w8ing only for answers is yours and yours only problem, not the game, the meta or whatever

rank 20-15 aint high ladder
Honestly, i restrain myself to rank judge people, but just can’t help it when you are making that argument :smiley: From what you’ve wrote you are not higher then 15

True that, at least you have a good perceptiona bout urself

I’m not going to disagree that raiding party probably does need a nerf, in my experience a draw card that pulls cards/summons with any kind of specifics can have a deck built around it so that it pulls pretty much exactly what you need it to 90% of the time. Look at the problems Barnes caused with big priest just because you could just pack your deck with big minions and resurrects.

But my argument is always this…no deck is un-counterable……at all. If you are facing 75% rogues as you claim (which, for the record, I find hard to believe), then it’s time to start looking into how to counter it.

I see these posts ALL the time. “I can’t beat this deck…nerf it!!!” Most of the time these posts are coming from people who want to play a SPECIFIC deck and are complaining because a certain strong deck beats there’s regularly. How about get of your lazy a$$ and actually figure out what it’s weaknesses are and exploit them.

Do you have any idea how many times I switch decks during any given meta? I started the last meta playing odd mage…after a few weeks I found it wasn’t meeting my needs or my playstyle so I tried a control-lock deck. That worked in some of the cases I was having an issue with but was failing in other areas…I bounced around 4-5 other decks before I managed to put together a VERY successful dragon/velen/mindblast priest deck that played very well against all the wall/OTK priests and hunters that everyone was complaining about. I played it with much enjoyment and success for the remainder of the meta…until Vargoth showed up, at which point I had to go back to the drawing board.

My point is…….most people who make these posts are the ones who have found a deck that’s served them well and now someone’s come up with something stronger that their deck struggles against and, because it’s doing well it’s becoming popular. And you know what? That’s the PERFECT time to come up with a counter deck because you will smash your way up the ladder if that’s what you are facing most of the time.

Leeroy, Prep, Edwin and RP are all on my list and if i saw one of these cards getting nerfed in the near future, i wouldnt be surprised at all.

Leeroy moves to 6 mana to avoid bounce shenanigans. Its too easy now with Waggle Pick.

Prep reduces your next spell by 2. It will still see play in many tempo or miracle decks.

Edwin… the type of card that if you dont have an answer to on early turns, you can lose the game. If you do, opponent falls back by alot. He’s not too powerful but his effect is very polarized. Im not sure if thats healthy for the game.

Raiding Party moves at 4 mana. Still very good value, drawing your synergy cards which you can play on the following turn since most pirates cost dirty cheap, and would fit in any Aggro or Tempo deck.

… but thats my personal perspective ofc. Maybe im wrong, time will show.

Just to follow on from this…a phrase that has served me very well over the years in all aspects of life-:

Think about the SOLUTION, not the problem.

Sitting there complaining about a strong card is dwelling on the problem. Think how you can counter it…work on a solution…other than “NERF IT!!!”

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Wasn’t a rant post. I played the game since expansion came out a couple of weeks ago and I tried most of the decks EXCEPT rogue solely for the reason I never craft the best deck since it doesn’t make me improve in the game.

It’s really not a personal bias, I don’t know what rock you’ve been hiding under or what game you’re playing but I see rogues literally everywhere I go, even if it’s on ladder or twitch. For me right not it’s been from 5-1 and yes, I can safely say the number is as high as midrange hunters last season. I never play with deck tracker so I cannot show you any proof unfortunately.

I know I’m sitting and playing answers to my opponents plays with the decks I choose and I have no problem with that. I never complained about token druid or zoo warlock even though I lose to them most of the time but I accept that because I should. I just play enough to know when it’s about time some things changed. I didn’t complain about cold blood last season, I didn’t complain about druids ramp either, even though they got nerfed and I played through all that.

From what I can understand you’re maximum rank 10 with some forum warrior skills.


Out of interest, what deck are you playing?

I play different everyday. Freeze mage, nomi priest, heal druid, ress priest