New Warlock Legendary: Dark Pharaoh Tekahn

Legendary · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Lackeys are 4/4.

First; I KNEW IT! I knew he was going to be the legendary Warlock minion in this expansion! That’s the Warlock hero from Dalaran Heist, for those who don’t know. Second, he looks AWESOME!!! :smiling_imp:

As for the card itself; it reminds me of Rogue’s post-nerfed quest, The Caverns Below. But only for Lackeys in this case. 1-mana 4/4s with powerful Battlecries are of course crazy! Even better with Magic Carpet! :scream:

But of course this card does nothing if you’ve used all of your Lackey generators and played all Lackeys, so that’s a considerable downside. Warlock currently has only EVIL Genius and Cable Rat for Lackey generation. So, with these two and their two copies, you can generate maximum of 6 Lackeys in a Warlock deck unless we get a new Lackey generating card for Warlock, or a neutral one.

Plus there is some anti-synergy here with Warlock’s new common minion, EVIL Recruiter (3-mana 3/3 Battlecry: “Destroy a friendly Lackey, summon a 5/5 Demon.”).

So, I guess I should first see the entire set before deciding how good this will be.


This is so damn fine man, I am excited cause they also promised we’d get a new lackey this expansion, and the next one, and that we can actually get these kind of tokens over the next expansions, we’re not gonna left with “yeah, you have jade idol, that’s it, but it’s more than enough, and you know it” proceeds to print skulking geist

Speaking about that new Lackey:

Seems pretty solid to me! Good thing that team 5 didn’t decide to indirectly nerf Lackeys by adding a bad one to the Lackey pool. :slight_smile:

they didn’t!? … btw I am no longer excited…this is good in token decks I guess, I’m still waiting for something like the one that gives rush but good, you know, giving charge, and I’d like it not being able to appear for disguised toast, as we don’t want none of his BS tho

Also I just realized that Warlocks do have one, actually two ways, to generate not only Lackeys but also Lackey generators into your hand:

Legendary · Minion · Rise of Shadows · Battlecry: Add a copy of each of your other Battlecry minions to your hand.

And someone on the US forums reminded us that Warlocks also got this neat card that could POTENTIALLY see play purely thanks to 1-mana 4/4 Lackeys:

Legendary · Minion · The Witchwood · Minions in your hand have Echo.

Naturally I would still like to see more actual Lackey generators for Warlocks, or everyone as a neutral minion. But these two are also worth considering in a potential Lackey Warlock deck-

hmm this card is just plain OP

Decent stats and adds 3/3 to all lackeys, in hand and deck ?
I mean the lackeys you haven´t even called yet

It sets every single Lackey’s stats to 4/4 no matter where they’re. On the board, in your hand or deck (somehow). Even the ones you generate later with, say EVIL Genius, will be 4/4 instead of 1/1. It works exactly like Rogue’s quest from Journey to Un’goro expansion, The Caverns Below.

Well, Warlock became the most buffed in this expansion

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Added the reveal video where we see the card in action!

So the re-adjusted Lackeys seem to work SLIGHTLY differently from old Quest Rogue’s 4/4s. I think their stat numbers were green, indicating that they were buffed. I don’t remember if you could buff, or de-buff them, more with spells though. I know Silencing them didn’t work. But, regardless, Tekahn just sets their stats to 4/4 by default that can be buffed, and presumably de-buffed, further.

Tekhan looks really cool :sunglasses:. Though, to be honest, I’m a bit salty that he doesnt have the effect I wanted him to have: “Deathrattle: Add a random powerful artefact to your hand.” You know those 10-cost neutral spells you discover with arch their Rafaam from the LoE adventure. Maybe they could give it this deathrattle and bump it up by one mana to balance it. I know how satisfying it would be for Tekhan to drop either Latern of Power, Mirror of Doom or Timepiece of Horror.

Anyone agree?

Mah boi Warlock is finally getting the love and appreciation it deserves. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well, lads…


I like the idea of this deathrattle (including the random choice of artifact instead of letting the player pick one). But I don’t think it should be added to this minion, that would make it a hodge podge of unrelated effects.
Maybe they can use it on another card?

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You have a point, but perhaps this is not the last we’ll see of Tekhan. There’s still one more expansion left this year to wrap up the overarching story and I have a pretty solid idea of who all the legendary minions are.

“Tekhan, the Deceiver”
9-mana 5/6
Battlecry: Deal damage to the enemy hero equal to the total amount of damage your hero took on your turns.
Deathrattle: Add a random powerful artefact to your hand.

Hmm, I like that one, CC!

Imagine this: A legendary minion whose aura effect is “your minions with rush have charge.”

Blizzard You Better

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Common · Spell · Saviors of Uldum · Discover a Lackey.



Sinister deal into Ethereal Lackey into Sinister deal into Ethereal Lackey.

Clown fest, amirite? :clown_face:

2 mana 1/1 echo, the last you play discovers a card

this is 2 mana summon a 1/1 and get its effect, it’s 2 mana UI