hello everyone, does anyone have any clue how to complete the achievment in core hydra for warrior? i cant think any combo to attack 4 times with Darius Crowley . The only combo i thought is with mega windfury and the adjent minions get windfury but i dont have cards to reduce my hand that much to play this combo
Damn that does seem a tricky one. I guess you’re just meant to have it survive but that seems very unlikely.
In standard I can’t see how you do it without something sticking for a turn or some extreme rng.
In wild your best bet might be bouncing/copying with pandas/Zola/blood warriors etc and do it over multiple turns but that seems horrible.
This is something that can be done in a friendly match, isn’t it?
If you added Emperor Thaurissan to your deck and a friend played against you, it should be fine enough.
achievments only work in ranked games but i did it with a lot of luck , i was hoping for an afker but it worked without him
I see. Well, thankfully you managed to obtain it!
i did ity with lot of luck, it works only with the same darius no with copies of him
How could you have done it with an afker, there’s no minions to kill (Mad summoner)
Ah, I did think it might not count, even though bounced ones are the same Darius.
yeah with mad summoner or the 2/6 taunt that summons 3 raptors for the enemy!!!
The Red Herring definitely helps in keeping Crawley alive. Good luck !
### Oh Mr. Crawley
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Fire Plume's Heart
# 2x (1) Into the Fray
# 1x (1) Spirit of the Rhino
# 1x (1) Stage Dive
# 2x (2) Cornered Sentry
# 2x (2) Neferset Ritualist
# 2x (3) Ramming Speed
# 2x (3) Reckless Flurry
# 2x (3) Scrapsmith
# 1x (3) Shield Block
# 1x (4) Lorekeeper Polkelt
# 2x (4) Rancor
# 1x (4) Sword Eater
# 1x (5) Alley Armorsmith
# 1x (5) Brawl
# 1x (5) Darius Crowley
# 2x (5) Direhorn Hatchling
# 1x (6) Armagedillo
# 2x (6) Mad Summoner
# 2x (7) Red Herring
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
okay, since nobody posted the ultimately necessary cards for this achievement, I will do it:
the sequence you want to play on a typical board with your opponent controlling 1 minion and you none is:
darius crowley – cornered sentry – attack – ramming speed – riot – battleground battlemaster (or riot) – attack
That’s up to 18 mana, which is more than a warrior could ever have at the beginning of 2025.
(audio amplifier – new heights – new heights could get warrior to 17 mana, but now we have ysera anyway)
Fortunately we have options to make the combo cheaper.
First, we add new heights (available by adding hamm, the hungry) so we can ramp mana and raise the maximum to 16.
The go-to strategy would be to draw all 5 necessary combo pieces, then dropping thaurissan, which reduces the cost of the combo to 12, so after only one new heights you can complete the achievement on turn 11
But it does not stop here: With drakkari enchanter dropped together with thaurissan, you reduce the cost of the combo to 7. Then you have to the front! (i mean the card, you do not actually have to go to the front!). You can either use it during your combo turn to reduce the cost of crowley, battlemaster and sentry, or you can use it to reduce the cost of the thaurisan-drakkari combo to 6 mana (2 for to the front, 3+1 for the minions), so you can theoretically go off on turn 7 (or even turn 6 if you played new heights earlier in the game).
Unfortunately, this is not going to happen, because your deck has 30 cards and you can only have 1 darius crowley and 1 thaurissan in your deck, so be prepared that you need to draw most of your deck if you want to complete the achievement. Also there is an opponent across the board who ist trying to kill you.
Fortunately, warriors are good at survival. We use card draw, armor gain and removal to survive until we have the necessary cards and mana to perform te combo. Since we do not need to win the game to complete the achievement (in contrast to the dread raven achievement for example), we can omit any win conditions.
The cards can be grouped as follows:
core combo: cornered sentry, darius crowley, riot, ramming speed, battleground battlemaster
mana ramp/discount: new heights, thaurissan+drakkari enchanter, to the front, from the depths
removal: bellowing flames, aftershocks, outriders axe, sanitize, garroshs gift (brawl/execute), ramming speed (only in emergency)
armor gain: shield block, garroshs gift (shield block), needlerock totem, sanitize, hero power
card draw: shield block, garroshs gift (shield block), needlerock totem, stoneskin armorer, from the depths, outriders axe, taelan fordring
necessary evil: hamm, the hungry
mulligan: look for new heights and needlerock totem. any form of cheap card draw can be kept.
opening sequence: on the play, turn 2 priority is 1.) totem 2.) shield block 3.) forge 4.) hero power
turn 3 priority is 1.) new heights 2.) totem 3.) shield block 4.) gift-shield block 5.) forge 6.) hero power
on the draw, your 2 main uses for the coin are new heights and needlerock totem
play turn 1 coin-totem if it survives the board your opponent left on his first turn.
if he dropped a 1/1 and can use his hero power to kill the totem, you should also do it, because you are taking 2 mana from him that he would otherwise have used to develop his game.
if he dropped a 2/1 and you have totem and new heights in hand, you should probably save the coin for new heights and drop the totem later, e.g. after a board clear.
if you have new heights but not the totem, always skip turn 1 and use the coin on turn 2 for new heights.
midgame – crafting the hand: Play new heights as soon as possible (exception see above), then try to get your card draw engine online quickly. garroshs gift is often best used for the extra card on shield block, but be aware that against the biggest opposing minions, garroshs gift (execute/brawl) is probably your only out. Shield block into stoneskin armorer is a perfect turn 4 play. You gain so much armor that you can often leave 3 mid-sized opposing minions untouched and sweep the board one turn later
The hardest part on the way to the combo is that the combo pieces are taking so much hand space. in the final stages, when you have all 5 combo pieces in hand, but not the necessary mana, you have to maneuver with the remaining 5 slots in hand. You cannot end the turn with more than 4 of those slots occupied, because you will draw a card on the beginning of the next turn, and overdrawing darius crowley just makes the combo impossible. Certain other overdraws (thaurissan, battlemaster) also make the combo extremly difficult.
If you have totem or taelan fordring in play, you even have to leave 2 slots open to avoid overdraw.
(I thought about including audio amplifier to alleviate that problem, but i could not find a card that i would cut for it)
Scarce hand space means that sometimes cards have to be thrown away for less effect. If you already have a cornered sentry in hand, you can consider throwing away the second one. The same holds true for the four cards riot/riot/ramming speed/battlemaster, of which you can sacrifice one, because the combo can be done with either three of them (riot/riot/ramming speed is the best and riot/riot/battlemaster is the worst). Drakkari enchanter shines next to thaurissan, but when your hand is full, he has to jump into action nontheless. At least he also can support hamm doing hamm things twice, and totem giving extra armor and an extra card – which actually hurts in this situation.
Outriders axe helps to control the hand size by freing hand space upon being played, but providing cards on demand.
the final combo pieces: you never know what’s in the bottom 3 cards of your deck, and if it is 2 important combo pieces, then your life just got harder. Therefore, from the depths should be saved until taelan has triggered and fetched you one of the trio crowley/thaurissan/battlemaster.
executing the combo – don’t screw up now: okay, you finally found all combo pieces, thaurissan also finally showed up, was played and probably killed on sight by your opponent. now the combo turn starts.
Do you have enough mana? To the front costs 2 and reduces crowley and battlemaster by 2 each, and sentry by 1. The second to the front might also help, reducing crowley and battlemaster even more, but not below 1. Therefore, if you are in your pre-combo turn and you have 6 or 7 mana (e.g. you just drew thaurissan from shield block), so you have to decide between A: to the front – thaurissan – drakkari enchanter and B: only thaurissan and save the to the front for the combo turn, you should definitely go for A if you have both to the front in hand and maybe for B if you only have one (keep in mind that you might draw the second one anyway at the start of your combo turn if your deck is already low).
How many minions does your opponent have? Two or more – that’s good. One – that depends what combo spells do you have. Riot and ramming speed? – that’s good. Two riots? – you might find yourself in a rigged coin flip situation.
1 riot, 1 ramming speed, 1 sentry, 1 battlemaster (or the second riot), 0 opposing creatures:
First play crowley, then play sentry next to crowley to provide 3 raptors, attack one raptor to buff crowley (1 attack), play ramming speed on crowley so he kills the sentry (2 attacks), play riot to make him immortal and kill the second raptor (3 attacks), then play battlemaster (or another riot, duh! just realized that midway through writing this text) to get the final attack on the third raptor to complete the achievement (4 attacks).
2 riot, 0 ramming speed, 1 sentry, 1 battlemaster, 1 opposing creature:
Should your ramming speed be unavailable (because of overdraw, or you had to kill an opposing minion with it in emergency), and you have only 2 riots, the battlemaster and one sentry (because the other has been thown away midgame to avoid overdraw, or he was caught by dirty rat) to go with your crowley, and your opponent has only 1 minion, then you are in trouble. Your best bet is to play the first riot on crowley to attack the last opposing minion, play sentry, attack the first raptor, play battlemaster, attack the second raptor, and now play riot and pray that crowley attacks the last remaining raptor first (probability: 33.3%).
2 riot, 0 ramming speed, 1 sentry, 1 battlemaster, 2 opposing creatures:
If your opponent has 2 minions to start with, then you are safe, because you can play the second riot before (!) the battlemaster, and even if the sentry kills one opposing minion, there are still 4 left for crowley. However, keep in mind that you need to trigger crowleys effect 4 times by actually killing the attacked minion, so they must not survive the attack.
trigger a single darius crowley’s effect 4 times:
after this attacks and kills a minion, gain +2/+2
so does that mean that [2 ramming speed and 1 riot} would be better than [2 riot and 1 ramming speed]?
in hindsight probably yes despite ramming speed being 1 mana more expensive, because with 2 ramming speed you would still be in the position to complete the achievement without an opposing minion in play and without a second sentry (you would still need one additional minion like stoneskin armorer or needlerock totem for the attack of the second ramming speed), while with 2 riots you would need at the start of the combo either A: 2 opposing killable minions or B: the second cornered sentry also in hand or C: 1 opposing minion and a lot of luck with the final riot
However, if you have all 3 cards and you do not have the battlemaster, then you are better off with 2 riot/1 ramming speed, because you can complete the achievement without an extra creature of your own
so the best idea would be to cut the battlemaster and go with [2 riot and 2 ramming speed]?
at the end of the day you need 3 out of 4 cards plus certain circumstances (opposing minions or one extra minion of your own). battlemaster benefits from to the front, but is vulnerable to an untimely dirty rat.
I wrote above that riot/riot/ramming speed is the best and riot/riot/battlemaster is the worst, so the expected value is probably better if you play with 4 spells and cut the battlemaster. After all, Ramming speed can also serve as removal in a pinch. I guess it is a matter of taste.
cards that did not make the cut:
audio amplifier – actually a serious consideration, see above
trail mix – just inferior to to the front, and there are only so many slots for mana preparation (pun intended)
acolyte of pain – wonderful combo with aftershocks, but too much danger of overdrawing
terrorguard escapee – 2 cornered sentry are enough, no need for more backup
all you can eat – the minions in this deck do not have minion types, except totem and sentry
loremaster polkelt – would shuffle up certain combo parts, but would also shuffle down others
crowley achievement warr
Class: Warrior
Format: Wild
2x (1) Garrosh’s Gift
2x (2) Cornered Sentry
2x (2) Needlerock Totem
2x (2) Riot!
2x (2) Shield Block
2x (2) Stoneskin Armorer
2x (2) To the Front!
2x (3) Bellowing Flames
1x (3) Drakkari Enchanter
1x (3) From the Depths
2x (3) New Heights
1x (3) Ramming Speed
2x (4) Aftershocks
1x (4) Outrider’s Axe
1x (5) Darius Crowley
1x (5) Emperor Thaurissan
1x (5) Taelan Fordring
1x (6) Battleground Battlemaster
1x (6) Hamm, the Hungry
1x (6) Sanitize