Paladins weapon is WAY too overtuned

here we go again.

can yall just say no for once… like whos idea was it to give hand buff pally a 3 charge weapon that has

1+1+ to all minions, but also it’s cheap for 4 mana and it also has LIFESTEAL for no reason

like one of those things was allready going to be enough, like they have minions with divine shield and lifesteal, they have an aura wich gives lifesteal, they have longarm wich has lifesteal. CAN you just think for once and maybe think… oooh yeah maybe giving this weapon lifesteal is a dumb idea? maybe? no?

failed to impress me that you know how to make a game balanced and “fun” and silenceing any outcry is bad dev behaviour so good luck with this allready “on fire” expansion


Totally agree with you. Warlock isn’t any Better four 8/8s on turn five. Power creep is insane. Pally weapon, well of souls, bran all auto win card with no counter play.