Pirate quest is joke

The pirate warrior quest is the most stupid card ever… and the guy who came up with it must h8 the warroir so bad

blizzard h8 the warrior so bad ?

warroir is all about weapon and putting more to it… .the quest destroy ur weapon each turn… remove all increase value

the warrior needs love… what is wrong with u blizzard

blizzard said they did not want someone to kill u from empty board so they killed the patron warrior and made him sucky rush pirate

now a days…

ALL Characters EXEPCT warroir kill u from empty board turn 5-7 so pirates need sticky deathrattles to compete lol… give back warroir some love

and get rid of the guy who made the pirate quest reward…

change it to give weapon +1/+1 every turn so you can buff with other cards ( kinda of the warrior thing to do )

most stupid develop ever to break your own weapons when all warroir cards is to give more durability

why is the mage not giving herself changing spells so she her fireball changes to polymorph and she misses any change of lethal calculations from quest reward

why is the rouge quest not removeing cards as rouge usually adds cards,

why is it only the warrior that blizzard h8

Psycadelius - main protection warroir in wow - wondering why the most tanky class is so squishy these days… no armour or heals compared to other classes…

my heart is bleeding… give warrior some love


You can use Cargo Guards to generate Armor. Questline Warrior is still very strong.
I made it to Legend last month playing it.


yes i know there is armour cards… point is that when you get 3 armour to your warrour… .the druid takes 10 armour,

drawing a weapon in the quest when u break it the very next turns is pretty bad feel quest rewards put together

draw a weapon and give + 1 durability card is main warroir and pirate card as you need to equip weapon for many pirates to even work

card is dropped and so the pirate strengt of weapon hits every turn is lost to game random weapon… at late stage where the other classes have some major combo potential the warroir have nothing

Just at a Rattlegore to it.

wut? there are multiple ways to play classes. warriors arent only about using a weapon and making it stronger. in fact , rogues are far better at this.

Imagine complaining about this extremely OP questline not being good enough. You a free weapon, minion and damage dealt to an enemy. So sorry you cant keep your weapon how you like lol…

Pirate Warrior is not really overpowered. It’s just another deck that wins only half of its matches like all decks in the stretch between D5 and Legend.

Druids usually destroy Pirate Warrior unless they draw poorly.

between d 5 and legend yes. but not everyone plays such high rankings. Just because at high rankings there are another handfull of op decks wich can stand a chance does not mean pirate warrior does not take a crap on pretty much most other possibilities below top ranked.

Pirate warrior is still very much OP due to how easily it can complete its questline and how quick.

I just think that every deck and archetype has its bad and good matchups.

For argument’s sake, just look at Classic.
I’m trying to reach Legend in Classic this month.
My favorite deck is Control Warrior.

It’s a very solid archetype that stands a chance against many classes. Is it by definition overpowered? No.
It can lose as well, either through luck of the draw,or a misplay.

Here’s the decklist:

Classic Control

Class: Warrior

Format: Classic

2x (1) Execute

2x (1) Shield Slam

2x (2) Armorsmith

2x (2) Cruel Taskmaster

2x (2) Fiery War Axe

2x (2) Slam

2x (3) Acolyte of Pain

1x (3) Big Game Hunter

2x (3) Shield Block

2x (4) Twilight Drake

1x (5) Brawl

1x (5) Harrison Jones

1x (6) Cairne Bloodhoof

2x (6) Sunwalker

1x (6) The Black Knight

1x (7) Baron Geddon

1x (7) Gorehowl

1x (8) Grommash Hellscream

1x (8) Ragnaros the Firelord

1x (9) Alexstrasza


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Srsly ? The questline is crazy strong - and once you get the juggernaut out almost unbeatable…

If you don’t die beforehand to any number of equally viable decks.
From Big Priest to Combo Druid to Even Warlock, Odd Questline Hunter or Ignite Mage.
The mirror matches are a coin toss too.

I find this amusing. The vast majority of dedicated aggro players by default choose to play a deck that requires less intelligence in comparison to control or combo. They carry fewer cards in their hand and therefore fewer decisions (if any) to make each turn.

Pirate warrior being the ultimate example of a deck that a 6 year old could pilot and climb the ladder with. Effectively topdecking and playing every single pirate they can get their hands on in the hope their overpowered quest reward will carry them to victory, and no more cards need actually be played. The silly cannon mechanic will win it for them so they can go outside and play pokemon.

What does this guy do? He makes a complaint about a deck designed to be used by those who’d rather play without using their brain, and yet are allowed to do very well with it (Tier 1 deck in wild last I checked). And surprise, surprise…he makes a stupid point.

Changing the weapon each turn provides more long term value and persistent pressure than a single weapon that will inevitably expire once the durability has gone. And this deck thrives on applying unreasonable pressure.

Besides, If you were instead allowed to upgrade your weapon it would require even the slightest bit of independent thought. That wouldn’t be fair on the 6 year old now would it?

To conclude, the whole point of pirate warrior is that it doesn’t require any thinking. It’s a gift from blizzard for those who cannot or do not want to think for themselves, and who feel entitled to wins based 100% on pure luck.

We have to have decks like it each expansion or HS would lose business from the underclass.

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Let me help everyone that has not learned this yet in this game. If your deck cannot win against a certain deck in this game then this intended. Not a flaw or a mistake. If your deck cannot complete then you need to adjust it. Yes this means you have to go and edit that nicely downloaded deck list you got from the net to adapt to the meta. Yes you get deck lists on the net but the meta changes constantly why? because the players that have learned how to play are adjusting their decks after every match to what they experienced in the match before.

so the warrior does not have the +1+1 weapon pirate same as rouge… rouge quest dont destroy ur weapon after you use ur pirate to increase it

please de-nerf pirate warrior quest. PLEASE.