Game becomes very unresponsive when you have ocassional internet connection spikes.
After every player’s little action game refuses to get any player’s input (and probably waits for the server confirmation). I see no reason for game to lock players input unless additional information from the server required (like card discovery).
To me, it looks like network code in the game (at least in the battlegrounds) is in a terrible state.
Not sure what led to this but it hurts the game reputation. I believe it could and should be improved.
P.S.: I play Hearthstone since it’s launch back in 2014 and never had this kind of issue. Currently, I am traveling and internet connection is not perfect at all place. I thought Hearthstone could become a game I could play while traveling but I got to search for another “traveling” game.
Hope it will get better in future.
P.s.s.: internet connection is not that bad - I can still enjoy other (even more reliant on internet connection) games like dota 2, so IT IS a game issue.