Please stop designing degenerate decks

And nerf already existing ones, things like Quest hunter, Warlock, Warrior, OwlOTK warlock, Mozaki mage, Kazakusan druid, Celestial druid these decks all are degenerate decks and very obnoxious to play against.

Even though some of them being played less some of them are making comeback.

For example why buff Quest Hunter? Who in the world wants to play against that deck? Do anyone even enjoy playing against it?


100% agree with you cuz. I play libram paladin a very balanced deck they should make more decks like libram paladin.


And yet, according to HSReplay, Libram Paladin has a marginally better win rate than Quest Hunter…odd that :rofl:

blad libram paladin is one of the hardest deckz to pilot srs.

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Not really, they are just really depended on card draws, they play “the perfect curve” or lose.

Hearthstone isn’t a ‘pay-to-win’ game. A pay to win game is a game where the more money you invest, the stronger you are and, if you invest enough, you can become almost unbeatable.

Yes, you can buy more packs with money but that does not guarantee you strength because, no matter how much you pay, the cards are the cards and no amount of money will make them better…therefore, by definition, it is not a pay-to-win game

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blad blizzard give you better card draws the more money you spend. spend more money and you get better RNG. srs no conspiracy here cuz.

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The game has focused on degenerate strats since Frozen Throne. That, and the fact the game is rigged are why I quit Hearthstone.


Wait till they release the next expansion,Druid,Hunter and Mage and bunch of more burst damage to the face and card draws even more degenerate than what we have right now.

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You expected non-degeneracy from Blizzard? I mean… they added a “non-binary” hero, and that says it all… Long story short, Blizzard don’t care, and honestly, don’t know what they are doing… haven’t for a decade.


Wait, what does that have to do with anything in this thread?
In fact, why would a hero who is non-binary be a problem or a degenerate thing to include in the game in the first place?

I forgot to add miracle priest aswell, most toxic deck especially with drektar

Nah the quest are worse especially hunter

This is all true, I have stopped playing standard because it has simply become boring when vast majority is playing quest with the same decks. Wild is a bit better in that sense but there are periods when same decks show up several times in a row. The awkward thing about some of the quests, it is a matter of race but not an interactive game. The one who completes the quest first wins. I feel this besides of what the came could be. Same with few individual card f.ex. Tickatus where you can through away half of the opponents deck in the bin, - is that a game? What I am saying here is not a matter of win rate but rather a constructive play. But what surprises me is to see how many are not able to put together a deck by their own creativity or imagination based on their experience.

Excellent comment Fallen. There are very few fanatics left on this forum, they only answer, they don’t produce solutions unfortunately.There are thousands of ridiculous cards. With these meaninglessly designed cards, ridiculous decks are created.

Hello shill.
Because there is no such thing as non-binary, only degenerates use it in their bio or a game character’s bio.

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Clearly if you look at my comment, it’s an example of what Blizzard’s priorities look like.

Its sad when ppl skip math at school and then think libram paladin is stronger than quest hunter because of winrate on hsreplay…facepalm

I still fail to see why having a non-binary character skin for a hero is a problem in the first place.

It’s sad when people try to act smarter than people by trying to insult the maths skills of people with degree’s in mathematics and statistics who actually have the ability to look at the matchup winrates to see that certain builds have a positive winrate against other builds, but obviously your opinion is more correct.