Priest is again tier 4 and unplayable

Blizzard is the most retarded company i ever seen. They ruïnes WoW and they on the edge to ruin Hearthstone. They treat women like Hearthstone players. Both they dont care off and dont listen to.
90% thinks this expansion is even worse then all others. And thats says enough.
Priest is a class what is now for 3 years tier 4. Its obvious they dont like the class but cant delete the class. So what they do is just making the class unplayable.
They did the same to their women employees.
They can then say nobody plays Priest anymore so we can erase the class.
Look how they treated the women employees.
Why you buff Mage what had a higher winrate then Priest and not Priest.
I will post this on all forums and Twitter, instagram etc. And hope many other people will share this post.


I can’t agree with your because Priest have a lot of dirty tricks… I play only Libram Paladin and Priest usually give me a hard time with their army resurrection, silence, Soul Mirror and instant kill spells… not to mention their quest… it was almoast impossible for me to win against Priest until I figured out a trick too… but that is my only chance against their almoast unlimited resurrection and recycle stuff…

You do know Paladin is Tier 1 and Priest tier 4?

No, I know only one thing… I play Paladin because I like it. I played Paladin in Wow too for 7 years(Tank)… I don’t care about tiers, meta decks, etc… I create my own deck and play with it. Learn from my mistakes and try to fix them. :slight_smile: I am at the 75th version of my decks at the moment. :slight_smile:

3 years? Both shadowpriest and Control Priest was very good in UiS/FITB.

Priest is the only tier 4 class AGAIN!! If you want to delete priest do it now because its unplayable for many years.

Dey need to bring bak the control priest archetype quiktime.

Stop moaning about it being tier 4 and make a better deck. Stop waiting for someone to create a better deck and do it yourself. So what is giving up your only way to solve losing? We get back up and keep going. If you cannot win with priest then you dont know how to play

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The quest priest is OP if you are lucky with draw I almost loose to this deck all the time because I cant get the right draws to kill it before they oneshot you.

And btw this oneshot things shouldnt be in the game to begin with.

Lets all rejoice that it’s finally gone. Having played vs a DR Priest today really reminded me how much I despise priest and how stupid it was in FITB. If they plan on bringing it back I sure hope they do another redesign (that doesn’t revolve around slow, reactive gameplay).

If priest is unplayable for you then you are really bad with it… choose something else… They are just as strong as before… endless resurrection, instant kill spells and buying time until that stupid instant hero kill shard… or endless recycle of spells… Even a 10 year old kid can win with such an easy class… Learn to play instead of whining here please… As for me Priest is one of the most disgusting class and it always was… I think it is pathetic how easy it works. If you have a bad card drawing luck in a game or using them up wrong… then you will always lose… thats how it works… play and learn from your mistakes. Only the half of the game is your deck… other half is the way you can use it… Everyone lose if they draw bad cards in bad time… thats why there are bonus stars… because you can’t win every match… it is impossible…

Some decks are designed to work against others. Since libram paladin is/was a tier 1 deck, control decks will prioritise dealing with such decks. Currently priests are really weak in anything that is not bronze or silver. Since the start of the expansion, I haven’t lost a single time to a priest and I only play tier 2 decks.

I play priest decks, Priest is my second my played class that I use to reach legend. Sure some priest decks are harder to play and fall into a meme category, but the class it not terrible. I just depends if you’re into that play style and can utilize it well. Just like anyone other class.

One shot thing has become a thing in this game because it is needed. For the same reason that there are decks that can full heal turn after turn in wild.

‘’ They ruïnes WoW and they on the edge to ruin Hearthstone. ‘’

( + ) Djenghis