Prince Renathal Card

Great design !!! Deck size 40 !!! Millions of people are intentionally slow playing the game, with such a design, you will take more time. Good idea…Congrt.

time for manz to quit this game…JOKEZ lol gonna keep playing

Why would increasing the deck size prolong the game? More health maybe, but deck size? Well, assuming you do not play some fatigue-based deck.

The best card they’ve printed, I think. Can’t see a downside to just including it in every deck.

The downside is lower consistency of your draws. Those cards you really want to be in your opening hand? Well, instead of getting 3 or 4 cards out of 30 plus a mulligan, you now get 3 or 4 out of 40 with a mulligan. That’s a 25% lower chance of opening with the nuts.
That turn when you have 7 taunts in a deck that can buy you an extra turn? Well big difference if there are 13 or 23 total cards remaining in the deck!

The 40 health is obviously always a positive. But the 40 cards in your deck will only benefit a few very specific decks, and reduce draw quality for many other decks.

I suppose you’re right. But I think with so many cards in the game that let you manipulate your card draw, a larger deck size is not a big issue.
Playing a Pirate/Naga/Mech/Demon?Murloc deck? Recruit more minions of the type you need.

It allows you to put more removal, clutch and tech cards as well as additional
card-generating resources that you would not normally put because you were constrained by the smaller deck size.

My Murlocs ate up all but one of those Prince Renathal players. They were a tasty treat having only drawn 10 of their 40 card deck :yum:

Can’t comment on standard, will wait to see what the settled numbers say, but in wild if you know how to play aggro you love to see it as the 10 health really doesn’t matter as their more inconsistent draw just lets you mow them down.

Well, a 40-card Pirate Quest Warrior in Wild, for instance is fantastic. Just for the sake of curiosity, I modified a Wild Pirate deck I had and added more cards.

Decks with a victory plan will benefit greatly from extra resources that match their game plan.

Depending on what class and deck you’re playing, you just need to mind your curve a bit more , so as not to weigh down your decks with too many big mana cards.

Why would Pirate warrior need extra cards? Just forces you to put 10 worse cards into your deck as you should never get to the 31st card in that game. I think it’s a terrible idea from a competitive stand point. That said I support it because it lets you build a more fun deck but I genuinely can’t think of a single deck in wild where this would improve it.

The way to think about it is every time you draw one of the 10 cards you’ve added, you should have drawn 1 of the 30 that were better than the 10 you’ve added because you chose not to added them to start with.

They’re not extra resources if they’re still in your deck, so any time you don’t need cards 31-40 in a game, you’ve just played a worse deck.

I agree with Ixnay. I have experimented with Renathal Pirate Warrior and so far my win rate is far below 50%. The draw becomes less consistent (not getting my draw cards when my hand is empty, gettings spells when I need minions and vice verca, etc).

The higher health does indeed allow me to survive a bit longer. If the quest is already completed, then the extra value I get each turn can help sway a game I am losing into a win. In those spots, the one or two extra turns can indeed make a difference.
But I will never know whether I even would have been in such a spot if I had had a more consistent draw.

Cant see downside?
It dilutes your deck
It makes it less consistent
You are less likely to draw the cards you need such as removal

You survive 1 more turn against agro

Does agro need this card? No. Does combo? No. Does Control? With less chance to draw you gaming changing cards, no.

Tbf it’s great in the fatigue mirror :smile:

Here’s the Pirate Warrior I’m using in Wild.
I got to Diamond 10 with it.

Wild Legend Pirate

Class: Warrior

Format: Wild

2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair

2x (1) Bloodsail Deckhand

2x (1) N’Zoth’s First Mate

1x (1) Raid the Docks

2x (1) Shiver Their Timbers!

2x (1) Sky Raider

2x (1) Small-Time Buccaneer

2x (1) Southsea Deckhand

2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep

2x (2) Fogsail Freebooter

2x (2) Harbor Scamp

2x (2) Parachute Brigand

2x (2) Ship’s Cannon

1x (3) Ancharrr

2x (3) Cargo Guard

2x (3) Defias Cannoneer

1x (3) Prince Renathal

1x (3) Skybarge

1x (3) Southsea Captain

2x (3) Stormwind Freebooter

1x (4) Sword Eater

1x (5) Kobold Stickyfinger

1x (7) Mr. Smite

1x (7) Nellie, the Great Thresher

1x (7) Skycap’n Kragg


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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I mean it looks worse than the normal version but I will say that jamming in 9 extra 1 drops is an interesting take. Basically going all in on the quest to carry you by having worse minions but more consistently completing the quest faster and with 10 extra hp.

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But when you had only 1 of those cards in your deck (because you needed space for better cards. You now can put 1 more in your deck so the chance of drawing one is better then a deck with 30 cards. That’s 1 in 30 (not in the mood for good math) but with 2 in the deck it’s 1 in 20 (2 in 40)

This card just came at the right time. I was thinking of a otk deck. But with 10 more health this tactic is not going to happen without perfect draw.

Maybe I am going to enjoy the game more with slow playing decks.

But your now less likely to draw the better cards that you cut that card for in the first place.

This card is making me seriously quit playing Hearthstone after playing from early Beta.

The games are awfully long, I play 25 minute games, this is too much.
The game is already addictive and I’m playing it too much.

There is another big issue though: the era of budget decks is over.
40 card decks need lots and lots of legendary and epic cards.
And with Blizzard nerfing so often what you craft today may not be good enough tomorrow, or you need that other Legendary you don’t own.

I’ll look at the cards they going to release for the next expansion, and there are high chances we are saying good bye to each other.

Meh, once the novelty wears off and people see that it loses to aggro more than not running it, it’s popularity will fade.

I’d recommend playing aggro for a bit. Cheaper decks and faster games.

because the number of those who play intentionally slow is increasing day by day.

There you have it. The cards you already had in your deck were better. The 10 additional cards are always going to be worse cards, because otherwise they would have been in the 30-card version.