PSA: Mind your BMs!

I came across a question about BMing in the forums today and it reminded me of an arena game I had a couple of weeks ago. Let me set the stage:
• Mirror match vs Mage in arena.
• I have lethal on board.
• Opponent has an empty board and no cards.
Plot twist: I have 1 HP… so all my opponent has to do is ping me with their hero power.

It was a fairly decent game and I had lost due to my own misplays, so I decide to let my opponent ping me instead of conceding.
The dude decides to start spamming emotes and takes his sweet time. Apparently he had also topdecked a Conjurer’s Calling. He decides to CC my Kraken once and gives a Mulchmuncher and Malygos. He then proceeds to CC my Malygos a second time and gives me a…Mal’Ganis

There was something magical about this moment. The brief hover he did over my hero to squelch me. The fact that he didn’t concede - he was hoping I had quit or pulled my Ethernet cable. Now i took my sweet time and roped to 3 seconds left before I killed him. I could almost hear my opponent’s angry screeching through my screen.

I went 12:2 that day. It was a good day.

So there you have it, folks. If you are someone who enjoys BMing for some reason, feel free to do it. Just do it with care.


And this is why I never concede you never know how an opponent may royally mess up or how rng can turn in your favor.
Also my thought process on conceding is “Why would i concede when this was a good game, it would be insulting to not let them land the finishing blow”
That and also im the type of guy who would be down to 1 hp and still not concede as “its just a flesh wound” which has won me some games due to opponents trying to BM or having great rng and drawing/getting what i need to win and make a comeback


You know that feeling when you rise your foit to put it under yourself on the chair and hit yourself in the groin by accident?

Edit: that’s how he felt :expressionless:

“I am Mal’ganis! I am A TURTLE! :turtle:
That’s some Yog-tier RNG right there! :joy:
I can’t breathe. It’s just too funny. His Conjurer’s gave you a… (W H E E Z E) :joy:
I love this game… So much…

Sadly, yeah.
Why do you ask?

Truer words were never spoken. :joy:

Leo: (Is on 1 HP) Nobody defeats the black knight! I’m invincible! :rage:
Me: You’re a looney… :clown_face:

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Your story is amazingly satisfying D3adLy, thanks for sharing.

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LeoXblader I agree with your mindset! I also tend to avoid conceding. Sometimes your opponent might even get disconnected, you never know. If the game was good, I definitely let them land the finishing blow. I concede regularly only when I am specifically farming ranks and really don’t wish to waste my time. An extra minute or two add up over 50 games. And the flesh wound reference made me chuckle, thanks!

Sheercold This comment is only apt because of the edit. Otherwise it would have been pretty weird lol. But yeah, I regret to admit that I do, in fact, know this feeling and I can imagine this is exactly how my opponent felt.


I will never look at Mal’Ganis the same way again :grin: Your comment would be what I call a “Disguised Toast situation”. Once you hear it, you can’t ever unhear it.

Vlad Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for reading!


sometimes when I want to BM I take into consideration all the possibilities cause it only should feel high risk high reward, but it shouldn’t be

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This kind of scenario is exactly why I said to you should never concede. Never underestimate your opponents stupidity or hubris. Either can easily be their downfall :joy::joy::joy:

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