Remove quests and the game is already a lot better. Before the middle aged manchilds try to comment for me to leave then etc(believe me they have and do lol) take note that the forums have been filled by complaints about quests since they released, so there’s a majority that disagree with you on telling people to leave if you don’t like it. And if we do leave Blizzard will have a game with a player base halved. It’ll be another WoW.
Fix quests or remove them, game will be 100 better
You sound so uninclusive - what about womanchildren?
And so that you are happy that you are right about people, I’ll say: If you do not like it, leave
And now seriously: yes, the questlines seem to be the problem: the game is too fast now and there is no way how to “interact” with some (maybe all) quests. I liked the DH one, but it was too slow when facing mage or warlock (other questlines not seen that often). Well, and imagine that next expansion(s) will have to be stronger than these questlines - the future does not seem bright
You’re welcome. You can put in one Glide instead of Fel Barrage, for instance.
I just defeated a Questline Warlock with this deck.
I’m trying different Sigils instead of Sigil of Silence. Sigil of Flame could be decent, but it hurts your board as well, though it may prevent the opponent from flooding his side of the board.
Sigil of Summoning is fairly solid and is a good turn 2 if you have nothing else that is better.
I’ve just had an exhilarating fight against another Questline DH with the Tradeable package. Though he completed his quest before I did, he couldn’t deal with my C’Thun spells. copious healing and other removal options.
I’ve had some fun games in standard. Got my 5 wins with Rat Hunter this week and played some big warrior with some success.
Finally made it to turn 8 in wild…they killed me from hand while i had 32hp, drawing 3/4 of their deck. They killed me with Mozaki with a 15 damage frost bolt and 17 damage ice bolt, but I did see turn 8…the mode is so broken.
Tried your deck Sasha. I played 12 games with it (3-9) and i have to be honest, it’s neither fun nor good : (
Too many shamans and face hunters ruin the fun.
While they are making elemental or overload or spell combos, i keep drawing c’thun parts on 3-4-5, clogging my hand as well as those brutes that mess with the outcast cards.
I did manage to complete c’thun and play it twice. Both on shaman that left him on 2hp. But he just straight up killed me after because i had no more sustain for his insanity.
I tried tweaking the deck with glide and it ONLY helped against 1 warlock, distrupting his hand size. That’s about it. Most of the time it was a dead card since all other classes vomit their hand way too fast and i would only be helping them by giving them more draw.
Edit: I’ll keep trying for a bit longer to make it work tho. But facing these top 5 meta decks over and over is just a draining experience.
It’s poor against Questline Shaman. Sorry.
It tends to do well against other decks.
I win most Warlock and Mage matches.
I’m tweaking it with more removal instead of the spare Sigil. You can take Immolation Aura.
You need to count your mana, since you’re drawing so many cards.
In some matches, it’s better to put early pressure rather than rush the quest’s completion.
There’s enough healing in this deck to outlast Aggro builds like Hunter.
My matchups were mostly Ele shaman, Quest Shaman, Face hunter and s**t ton of minions druid.
Not if i can’t draw them even after agressive searching for them.
There were 3 matches where i lost with 9 soulshards in my deck and 3 more remaining cards. Like wow. How even.
On a brighter note, i’ve just beaten Garrote rogue. He kept adding coins in his hand and Glide distrupted that so good. TWICE. Then he surrendered.
I’m deliberating on whether to add a second Glide.You can discover another one off Illidari Studies.
Depending on the match, I won’t even wait for Glide to be in an Outcast position. I’ll just cast it to draw more cards and those precious soul fragments.
I’ve had several matches where I managed to get on board with early Brutes. Not much an aggro Hunter can do about that. Ditto for Warlock.
If you get a Brute in hand, try to draw as many cards to discount it.
If you don’t like it, ThEn LeAvE dErP… Even though you may have spent hundreds of dollars and have an almost decade long investment into the game.
Quests are asinine… I could play for 10 hours, and I might see 1 deck that doesn’t have a quest in it (it was probably the only priest player I saw); that’s a huge, glaring problem.
Also, if the dozen consecutive demon hunter nerfs, then the dozen mage nerfs, then the dozen warlock nerfs haven’t proven the devs simply don’t have a clear vision for the game anymore, then idk what else to say.
A lot of the game’s abhorrent balance or unfun gameplay issues would be resolved by letting players ban a class… but this is said every expansion, since 2014, and it falls on deaf ears.
I’m 8-19 so far.
Deck is fun when it works, but most of the time it can’t contest with any other deck because of c’thuns 5 cost cards.
Imagine…what a meta, when 5 cost is TOO high and too slow to play.
I’m testing another adjustment. I replaced Taelan Fordring with Cornelius Roame.
I think it fits this deck slightly better. Fordring can protect you somewhat, and may draw you C’Thun, but with so much card draw, you’re probably going to draw him anyway, and he’s just an alternate win condition, anyhow.
Is Sigil of Flame better against the likes of Shaman? I don’t know. Worth experimenting.
And womanchildren. And yes, i am right. I have had so much verbal abuse in these forums for just having a right to voice my thoughts that i make sure to shut down manbabies first… because look… no manbabies have come in because i call them out first. Like i said, don’t act like these forums are full of polite constructive thinking gamers, because it’s not. Some yes, but a lot of crappy people too who only comment to be a diick
Yea, the substitutions work fine. Cornelius Roame is a great boost to the quest, and Sigil of Flame is a nice preventive spell, and works better than Immolation Aura against board flooding, since there are turns where you will control the board without minions and most of your minions either survive the damage, or are expendable( more precious for their battlecries).
I even win matches n Wild with this deck.
In Standard, I reverted to playing Questline Rogue, purely for ranking as it works better against most of the meta decks.
This is the deck with which I’ve hit Legend in August:
The amount of verbal abuse i get from this community why should i not bring it up when i voice my opinion?, i don’t see why these worthless people should be allowed to get away with being cyber bullies. In real life these worms keep their heads down and crawl away with their heads between their legs. So now if i want to voice my opinion i will now also call out these cyber bullies before they respond because guess what, when you call them out… they don’t turn up, they stay silent…
Quests are so damned overpowered that everyone and their mom uses them even in Wild. Standard decks should not belong in wild. Currently standard and wild are basicly the same because of those quests being too damned OP