Ranking system must change

It’s clear people don’t want to play meta decks.

And the way the game is build, in order to rank up you need to play meta decks which can only be achieved by splashing out cash on newly released content which WILL be nerfed later on and replaced with new meta content.

Not losing any stars when losing games and only gaining stars when you win is hell lot way better than having to grind entire month. Myself I was locked 50 games in rank 1 GOLD and whenever I needed 1 game to platinum is always lost and have uninstalled game as well.

Blizzard greed is also the reason new people will NEVER find hearthstone enjoyable as they are paired quickly with those who played for years.

I know blizz need to make money, but current system is just not working for any1.

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Doesn’t that just reward the meta deck (specifically aggro) players even more? Guaranteed top rewards through sheer number of games played.

I’ve never experienced the next reward block in the 8(?) years I’ve been playing so from my perspective that’s not a thing, but maybe they just treat me special :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Maybe play friendly games? If you can’t find people to play with you can join my battle-net group I created for exactly that purpose. You find the invitation link in the “Play Friendly Game”-Button thread I made some time ago here.

welcome to blizzard rank system

the gamez are rigged srs cuz…the more you pay, the better RNG you get.

If people wants to play meta decks I say go ahead, smash it in 2 weeks and call it a day.

Seriously I wouldnt mind at all losing 10 games in a row without losing stars even if I fell short of getting into legendary at the end of the month because then I will do some tweaks to my deck and maybe next month will have more luck…but then I will actually ENJOY my game.

As someone who is achievement hunting at silver 10, I will admit not losing stars is fun :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Meh I guess I’m gona have a bias opinion as I got my legend card back 6(?) years ago and have no inclination to get there again and don’t care about the rewards. That said I do remember back in the day grinding to rank 5 with my own decks for the first 10 months after rewards were added, cause back then the golden epic was worth so much in comparison to today and as a f2p arena grinder I needed every little bit of dust. So I do at least have some frame of reference.

What do you base this claim on?

The far majority of opponents I queue into when I play Standard play one of the popular meta decks. So based on my own observation, I have strong feeling that most people DO play meta decks. And since nobody puts a gun against their heads, I will go out on a limb and suggest that they play meta decks because they want to play meta decks.

Oh, and it’s not just my personal experience. There’s a whole load of data available at hsreplay.com and if you look at that data you will also see that the vast majority of players choose to play the strongest meta decks.

Are you, perhaps, confusing the loud protests of a vocal minority for a majority point of view?

In my experience, people claiming that meta decks are bad and that “something” should be done about it are almost always people who love to create their own decks, and then get upset when they don’t achieve at least 50% win rate against decks that are created by the smartest people in the game and constantly refined by thousands upon thousands of players.
Nothing wrong with wanting to create and play with your own decks. But be realistic. Unless you are Thijs or Roffle or a similar quality deckbuilder, your deck building skills will not be on par with those of “the entire community”. Even people like Thijs and Roffle and other famous professional deckbuilders use ideas they get from others.

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