I know it is cliche to write a diatribe about certain classes and why they hate them, but my complaint comes from more of a fun killing perspective. I’ve played the game since beta, I’ve seen the good, bad, and ugly through this game over the years but I’ve never had less fun with a game in my 30 years than playing against resurrection priest. I’ve been using druid dragon ramp because it is fun and it’s nice to try and get big cards out early. That being said, when I come with 3 different Ysera Unleashed through emerald explorer and spells and I got every single portal to open. You know how they died? 9 cost clear all, 9 cost clear all, another 9 cost clear all. Then…convincing infiltrator that was given reborn. Summon that summons convincing infiltrator. Grave rune on reborn convincing infiltrator which I still overcame. Only to be given the same exact combo the next turn. This deck wasn’t designed to win it is designed to aggravate because as soon as you know one comes there will be 10 more that game. I had over 20 portal dragons die so don’t tell me there is no way around it. I’m giving the game a break in the hopes that deck gets nerfed or they retire convincing infiltrator because it is so frustrating to play against something like that. It is not worth the time or any more of my money to play this game. It is a shame, I still play heroes of the storm and I’m very much looking forward to D4 but I’m done with this for the time being. I really hope you put better effort into card design in the future.
Have you considered throwing in a Zul’Drak Ritualist into your deck? Polluting the res pool of the Priest is the primary counter to such decks.
Ofc he didnt consider it.
The problem with the majority of players is that they expect to create a deck or an archetype and never have to adapt/change their deck.
Its like people complaining back in the days because they CBA to put 1 skulking gheist in their deck.
Hmmm shall I put 1 skulking gheist into my deck and pray to God that I’ll draw it in time to have a chance to beat this Jade Druid that draws like crazy thanks to Ultimate Infestation or shall I make an aggro deck that doesn’t rely on drawing gheist and has a decent chance to beat druid? Hard decision.
Don’t suppose the OP has considered how annoying it is having to battle multiple free-spawning high-value dragons? For a long time Druid has been decimating my decks. Time to suck it back up.
ress priest deck is for brainless people, taunt/ress the easiest way to play, no need even to use ur brain, thats why brainless people using it, how can u having fun with this deck while doing all time the same things without strategy loled, poor brainless people
Ress priest is not anymore brainless then demon hunter and their OP cards.
LOL. bro, you are using that big/ramp druid which is the most brainless deck in hearthstone and you complain about rez priest? lol. wow this community is so hypocrite. Rez priest punishes braindead lazy decks like big druid and face hunter. I know it’s hard for you but You can use your brain a little bit and play a real deck that requires thinking and you will be able to beat priest.
rez priest is so similar to big druid. Both of them are braindead. Both of them have a way to cheat summoning taunts. The difference is that priest has removals
PS: I agree though, rez priest is a braindead deck too
Well maybe… but res priest IS brainless beyond comparison…
So its a brainless deck to counter brainless decks?
What is a deck that counters res priest or has at least a good matchup which isnt designed to win against res priest in the first place.
Like a normal deck which has good and bad matchups?
I’m kind of fortunate that my favorite deck, Jaraxxus Control Warlock, craps all over Res Priest. I currently don’t play decks that don’t perform well against Priest unless I’m at a rank floor and can just auto-concede if I keep queuing up against them.
rogue and other priest decks. in wild odd pally, quest mage, odd dungeon hamster, pirate warrior and a few others.
exactly. And the reason why silver bullet cards is never the solution to fixing balance problems. Relying on silver bullets makes the game into pure slot machine.
You cant have a deck that beats them all mate. You just go with the chances. A card game is by definition a slot machine. You should know that before you start playing it.
you’re welcome to try and argue with poker players that they’re playing slotmachine. It’s a cardgame, after all.
I don’t think you’re going to get much agreement from them, though.
I absolutely agree with Smithers, the res priest with the convincing infiltrator card is way too OP. No fun anymore! That card should be nerfed.
ressurect priest easiest deck for destroy now
I am with OP. This deck is pure mindless garbage. A lot of people sticking up for it and saying Demon hunter cards are OP etc, but there’s still some style and different strategies that can be used to each game. Not with Rez priest. Its just, throw out taunt, and heal minions asap and spend the entire game bringing them back with some of the most disgusting combos I have seen. Unfortunately, priest will always be Blizzards little simple retard class for kids. Shame as the lore is very different for this class and should revolve around intelligent healing and control instead of just pumping out mindless cards. Fighting this deck is the biggest chore in this game to date…
I recently came back to this game and was tempted preorder next expansion until I played this deck, three times in a row. Think ill skip. God no wonder so many players are leaving this game…