Rewards from new ranking system makes it meh

previously, I could get a golden card for my efforts. Depending on how well I did in a given month would affect the rarity of the card. I thought that was ok.

Now, I’m not getting any golden cards from ranking rewards but only cards that are going to be dusted anyway.

So I am starting to wonder: Why should I even bother?

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blad i;m stuck at platinum 8 manz need some help getting past this batty rank.

because you’re enjoying the game. if not, what does the reward matter?

You realize you’re getting way more in dust value for finishing at the same relative rank right?

Personally I prefer getting roughly the dust to craft the same amount of golden cards as I got before (not that I’d use it to craft goldens but 4X as many regulars) than just getting random goldens.

I’m with Khisana: you should play a game for the entertainment. If you play for rewards then why do you play in the first place? My mentality is “oh there’s a prize, cool” without bothering what it is, cause it’s already nice receiving something as an extra for enjoying the game.

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To be fair I grind 1 day a month for rewards so I can spend the rest of the month having fun for free :wink: (I say grind I mean get up to goldish in a streak until I get bored :smile:)

This. Very much!

That said, after someone else made a similar complaint one or two months back I did run some math. And I had to agree that for players that already have a full collection, AND that like to have golden cards, the new system is overall (a bit) worse than the old system.
However, for players that do not yet have all rare cards of the standard expansion, the new system is much better. They get more cards, and the new duplicate/triplicate protection should (I hear there are still some issues for some people) ensure that those cards all fill gaps in their collection. For those players, the new rewards are much more valuable than the old rewards.

No solution will ever please everyone. This new structure is a huge improvement for a lot of players. But indeed, this does come at the cost of it being a step back for another group of players.

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the rewards in the ranking system are meh for the reason that they are pointless to me. When a new set comes out, I get a full playset up to and including rares. The rares you get from the rewards are thus pointless and is just dust.
So before I could get some incentive to maybe try for a better rank in order to get a golden of a higher rarity, now… Pointless. The removal of the golden cards removed the incentive to actually care about the rank, and if you don’t care about the rank, then why is it there?
It seems like yet an area where they took something and made it worse than previously.

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ranked exists for those people that do care about it because of reasons that might mean nothing to you.

and it might be a worse system for you based on your preferences. but there’s an argument to be made that the new system is better than the old because it hands out more dust than the old system. dust that in turn can be used to craft more (even golden) cards.

For me I equate the rares as the filler dust we use to get and the packs as the golden cards.

If you used to hit exactly rank 5, then I can see the argument of the chance of a golden epic you want being a better deal but even then I think the value is still in the new systems favour if you reach diamond 5 (4 packs, 1 epic, 7 rares vs 1 golden epic, 2 golden commons), simply because the expected dust is so much higher 740 vs 500, so you need to be hitting golden cards you actually want, semi regularly.

So my question would be, how many of the golden cards you’ve got over the months have you still got/use? For everyone you kept, the new system is scaled worse, for everyone you DE to craft something else, the new system is better.

I prefer the new system, even though I’ve still got every single golden card that hasn’t been nerfed that I’ve ever got. Guess I just prefer packs over shininess stares at my golden Malygod :smile: