Rogue new cards are for a control rogue?

New legendary rogue cards all cost 6 mana! Since when rogue is something like a control class ??
Used to be a faster class than this now a rogue player can roll from 5-6 mana and above. Until then the opponent unfortunately cannot stay and wait when we will start rolling and unfortunately most classes at 6 mana have already done enough.
Dont know how many beers Dev’s team drunk before printing these cards but please stay sober when you work on something !

A rogue player complaining about rogue? Dude. You have one of the worst broken aggro decks in this expansion, be quiet and crawl under a rock…

Bro are you playing a different game ?? This is hearthstone forums we are talking about rogue with cards and if you see the top decks rogue is not included.
And before this shiaty expansion rogue want on even on top .
Dont take hallucinating pills and type stupid things man use the brain a little .