Save Hearthstone

Hi. I have an important message for Hearthstone developers. I notice that your game is dying. Streamers stop playing Hearthsotne and everyone I know stops playing this game. Here is the solution: I crafted Celestial druid and ignite mage with all my dust about a year ago. Now those decks are nerfed and I get no dust back. You need to INCREASE DUST gain from ARENA and from disenchanting cards. I lost all my dust I played 100:s hours for because you nerfed 4 cards. Give me dust for this proposal please. Everyone will start playing hearthstone again if it is possible to get dust to craft all the fun decks that actually exist. Then you can focus on mini tournaments and trading of cards within the game like CSGO creates. You’re welcome. Send me back dust for my 2 decks please: 8000 dust.

Also. When Wild first came out I disenchanted all my wild cards to craft standard decks. Then those standard deck became wild. Give me all my wild cards back please. The disenchant ratio is 4 to 1. It is insanely low when you drop 2 expansion each year I have to play 24/7 to actually be able to make a couple of nice decks.

They won’t listen they just like to screw their players over lol especially mages

The dust you get is appalling and always has been. This is what stops people crafting new decks to keep up with the game and stops people buying packs as you know you wont get enough dust to craft the deck you want. They will not change it though as to do so will mean being less greedy and we all know Blizzard like to be as greedy as possible. Only hurting themselves now though and I can see why many people are leaving.

The game is free to play but you can also invest money and buy the cards. This way you cut on time. On what basis should Blizzard give away premium art for free?

It’s not greed. It’s common business sense. If the game were free to play completely with no financial model, it would have not survived a year.

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Dude? Microtransactions are BS. I could pay 20 dollars for Hearthstone as I did with the first Naxraamas expansion. I dont wanna pay 100:s of dollars for this and then they nerf 2 cards and therefore remove all my cards from being playable… ;(

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If you buy the standard bundle for the next expansion, you’ll have more than enough cards to not worry about nerfs or dusting , and get the rest of the new content simply by playing and earning packs the usual way.

Grinding from scratch is work. Unless you enjoy it. You pay money to save on grinding time.
That’s how these free-to play games work. If you want something instantaneously, you pay for it.
Either with time(accumulated Gold) or money.

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This game is already dead. Everyone is tired of ridiculous op druid decks, meaningless op priest decks. Standard mode, it’s always the same anyway.
Suggestion: Please continue with the same team. It’s very enjoyable to watch.

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Not everyone has to play Ranked. It’s the variety of modes which makes Hearthstone worth playing. Ranked will always be a clash between top-rated decks. The same as every other card game.
Classic is all the same too- Handlock, Zoo, Token Druid, Miracle Rogue, Freeze Mage, Control Warrior.

The main issue is Wild vs Standard.

  • The cards or decks you have are meaningless once they release a new expansion. Balance is then broken.
  • Premade decks to win every expansion. Should not be a thing.
  • Changing cards TOO much. Should not be acceptable, you should assume the cards are physical cards and you would only modify cards that totally break the game.
  • Wild should be default, release less cards, balance properly.

As it stands the game is boring and a cash grab as all you do every expansion is to win with a predefined set of decks. Pointless.


Excellent true comment jmp. Always the same story.

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I never agree with your comment Rookie !

Druids who can’t get Guff into their hands are playing bad deck… it is way too easy for them to do that… discover, controlled draw… you can choose… it is easy… Druids are way too OP and they always was since Guff… I can’t wait to see them dissapear from standard…

if deck are consistantly op they should be fixed regularly more so then physical thats the advantage of digital

Common business sense? Hearthstone is a dead game compared to what it used to be. there are barley no big streamers playing the game, no tournaments no big scene at all. When you go to twitch for example there is mostly Battlegrounds players and you have to search to find a hearthstone stream with like 800 viewers. is this what you call common business sense?

why are you talking like there is only one way to conduct a business and one model? financial model? what are you talking about? almost all the most played games at the moment are free. Roblox, fortnite, league of legends, minecraft, csgo, valorant, overwatch, All of these games are have a free to play model but you are sure that hearthstone could not pull it off?

why do you have this attitude and thought process?
because of the constantly changing standard mode it forces you to play all the time or pay money in order to keep up, its a terrible model for people to take a break from the game or allow them to come back after a few years. Take any of the other games, you can come and go as you please with no drawback.

But Hearthstone is completely free to play. No one is forcing you to pay a dime.

Once you’ve downloaded the game to your hard-drive you’re given access to a Core set of cards and they’re all free- do with them what you want.You’re not asked to pay an entrance fee.
You want to open new cards?

Invest time(gold) or money to accelerate the process of acquisition.
You want to play without having to be competitive- play Arenas or Battlegrounds.

Which free to-play game operates differently?

For instance, I got the Standard bunlde recently which nets me 60 decks, and some Legendaries. I could have not spent anything and given into the grind to acquire things slowly with time.
But I don’t want to. I want instant cards, so I buy instant cards. It’s my choice to make.
Time and money are equivalent, but I rate my time higher than the money I spend on this game.

Everyone will make their own choice.

You call it free to play since you can catch the low hanging fruit without paying? literally all of the games i listed operates different, league of legends, Cs go, Valorant. And yes you have to buy champions in LOL similair to hearthstone, but champions does not rotate out, champions takes much less time to gather. while in league the main revenue stream is cosmetic (skins). The cost to get what you want in these game is also significantly cheaper.

But without clear statistics from 2014 to 2023 of things like active players, money made etc etc its impossible to say. Because as long as they are making money, why should they care about anything else

you are mistaken a game that is not in its boom phase anymore for a game that is dying.
there is more than enough players still playing. I take it you are one of the zombies that watch streamers all day to use their decks and how to play them and now that your favorite streamer is gone you think the game is dying. This is what you call life. In the end everything around you will die. Yelling around town screaming this is dying will not save it. Only push it further down the rabbit hole of doom. Stop advertising something will die and start asking around how you can help save it.

They continue to make money because the game remains popular.
All free-to play games survive and continue to release content because there are players who spend money on them.

I also choose to spend money on DLC characters for Mortal Kombat. It’s my favorite fighter franchise and I know that buying extra characters will extend replay value for me.
I love buying expansions to my favorite board games for the same reason.

An example of a game that didn’t survive is Battle for Neighborville. Though it’s not free to play

The reason why Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville failed for instance, is because Electronic Arts didn’t market it properly, not enough money was invested in it for the development of additional modes and characters and the content which was developed to generate further revenue(skins and costumes) failed to find an audience, so EA stopped support and the developers Popcap had gone on to work on other projects.

That’s a shame, because the core game is a gem and it deserved better life expectancy.
But things that don’t sell or go down unnoticed, don’t survive.

Hearthstone is a game with many expansions, which is why rotation of sets was mandatory. It’s impossible to balance so many cards, yet it is imperative for them to release more content to maintain its popularity.

Try playing Magic The Gathering with all the content mixed in. You can’t.

Supply and demand. If you’re selling blueberry muffins, you’ll continue making them as long as there are people buying them.

without the numbers to back it up i cannot trust your statement, just saying it “remains popular” does not give me slightest improvement, and discussing what other games you play does not interest me.

I am playing MTG so im well aware of the formats and their solutions,

It has survived for 9 years now and with regular updates and new content getting released like clockwork.
You can find a match at any time of day within seconds. Isn’t that proof enough?