Should blizzard rotate IN sets to standard?

New players would of never been able to play old expansions and get packs from it so it would be like a new set for them. The meta may also be positively effected by some familiar cards coming back (except you, yogg) and some hall of fame cards are pretty bad and wouldn’t hurt to let back in e.g the quest rewards cards (really, blizzard? You could of just changed it to “ collect all pirates from the classic set”, it would of been rewarding and encouraging for newbies), and I get you can just play wild, but mixing up standard a bit like the arena would be pretty refreshing! (Also, I’ve always wanted to open an old gods pack ever since I saw the animation)
I’d like to hear your thoughts on this!


I think whole sets is a bad idea. You don’t really get enough resources to be able to work on 2 sets at a time as a f2p so it would just make people feel like they were further behind. If it replaced a set, then any vets like me wouldn’t ever have to spend any £££ every again as whenever it was an old set coming back I could just save up all the gold.

What would be cool is if they rotated the cards within the classic set. That way you could reintroduce powerful one of cards like Loatheb, themes like all C’thun cards or even match up some cross set cards that never had a chance to shine in standard, like Gorrillabot when all* the other mechs rotated.

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This could be an interesting idea, but I think as long as blizzard is creating new sets its probably unlikely, especially since that’s what arena is doing right now.

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That’s a great idea. I always thought the classic set was a bit weak, especially some of the neutral legendaries, and blizzards only taking more out. Having legendaries with great potential but were practically useless in their Sets or just outperformed could eventually shine in time when new sets are introduced. And I always felt like one legendary per class is pretty bad

Many people dusted their old cards because they expect Blizzard to keep its promise that cards that go out of standard will not return to standard. If they break that promise, there will be a huge uproar.

Also, if they bring back old cards INSTEAD OF releasing new cards then their sales would plummet because of the players that did not disenchant their old sets. And if they bring back old cards AND ALSO release full new sets, people will accuse them of being dirty money-grabbers.

(Okay, the latter will happen regardless of what Blizzard does, but still…)

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My opinion is very similar to BigHugger’s. I don’t think there’s any benefit in bringing old expansions to Standard for a period of time.

However I do think that bringing back some cards in specific times would be positive. As an example, let’s say that Team 5 released an expansion where dragons were a thing. I think it would be interesting to have the Dragons from BRM available, somehow, e.g. uncraftable, undustable and free. Having some specific Legendary available in the same way could add to a meta too. Some legendaries fit well, e.g. Reno. The thing is, this is already being done. The mage frog (can’t recall the name) is a good way to reinvent a card in a more balanced way.

I believe this could have some benefits because it would had more depth, but it had to be made in a way that no one would win or lose anything. Otherwise the whining would be… well… loud.

I think this is an excellent suggestion, but it does have to be for limited periods of time only. Not for a full expansion.
Similar to how last year, during a two-week period, two dozen or so special cards were added to the Arena.

And the “uncraftable, undustable, free” part prevents complaints from people who already dusted them. (They should still be dustable for wild, so I guess that they should just code it that these are available as picks in standard regardless of collection).

There probably will still be negative response from people that just want to play their good deck to climb ranks and are now suddenly forced to respond to a huge meta change. But I consider that to be a good thing. And most of the pro players will probably welcome the more frequent meta shakeup.

These are the Hearthstone equivalent of the first world problems meme, e.g. there are people complaining that Blizzard won’t refund dust for the cards they will BUFF in the upcoming event.

These people should be ignored.

The only reasonable complaint is that you are kinda screwing over the people who already have said cards. It’s kinda the opposite argument to what you put earlier, in that now you want to punish those that kept their cards.

It wouldn’t bother me, as I don’t care about the state of other peoples collections but a lot of people seem to.

Why? How am I put at a disadvantage when everyone gets to play some old cards for a while?
There are also Arena, (some) Tavern Brawls, and (some) solo adventures where you can play with cards regardless of your collection. I have never heard people with full collection complain about that.

I bought card x, it’s so unfair your giving people card x for free!

The point is that they wouldn’t be giving it, it would be time constrained and you could still disenchant the one you have. I know you don’t have issues with this but it’s easier to reply as if you did. :slight_smile:

Actually they thought about a set with rotating modes but they think it would not interesst enough people: