Since everyone refuses to say it

God damn, if that isnt an answer copy pasted right off a script, then i dont know what is. Also, 5 posts for an employer, is pretty good indicator on how little they care.

they dont care i hope they burn in hell with togeeder with RNG in this game

What a petulant child you are, condemning an entire company to hell because you can’t understand why you’re not winning. Suck it up and stop being pathetic, games change and evolve, get over it.

what kind of life do you have that you wish someone to burn in hell for a frikin game?

is this really the biggest problem you have in your life? if yes pls lets change for a week.

if your life is that hard that you freak out about something like this in a game then do yourself a favour and play something else.

if you stay i dont care … but it doesnt seem to be healthy for you …

youre free to insult me now

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first not a kid second losing to rang 100 games in a row is just overwellming and they yeah blaming them is what needs to be done sonsidering rng in this game

sry my keyboard is acting up a bit

my bigest problem is to get this freking virus out of my sistem so i can go with my life and if I runt here about game why do u care !!!

You want to rant do you? Make your own post, this post was meant to be positive because Blizzard did something new and everyone is being super toxic about it.

sry bro but that is your opinion and if i want to post on any forums i will who r u to say i can not post here and yeah i will runt , i respect Blizzard for other games they make i am runting to latest expansion and devellpoers that make this expansion .Next time if u have something smart to say say it please do mean while please stick to your own opinions and i realy hope u get scores like i do vs curent mage worlock or rouge decks beacuse i did not play vs any others in 70 games then we will see what you will say about it when they get card after card from and screw your game on each and every turn

Youre infected? Really?

First of all get well soon.

Also i know from personal experience that a rant can be healthy (mental health ofc.)

Second of it. Answer yourself

You called it an rng sh*tgame. So why not take a break or play something else? This time a good amount of games is for free to get in different online store apps.

Doing something you enjoy will help you far more then wishing people to go to hell…

point is that i do play other games. I do like HS very much just not curent format and ty for well wishes and considering pinkbeard guy who i am kiding he is porobably on pay role from blizzard beacuse 90% of post r critcis to them;and wishing them to go to hell was a bit over the top i admit that but having gameas ruined on each and every turn at that moment was just in the heat of the moment and i did cross a line and this was only post i noticed develpoers actualy replayed to post so i wanted to see that but then it was only 2 post pinkbeard guy and that develpoer witch is probably the same guy and he pointed out only 1 card that is overpowerd and that is only card that i good in my opinion in this new expansion

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Ok im quite sure that not even the blue posts in here are developers but Comunity managers which are here to answer to the happy stuff to keep contact with the positive people because…

Lets face it…

The really angry people are not getting better when blue posts are responding sinply because you cant have everyone get their way…

If you respond to that, then the negativity is just raising because everyone thinks the more angry they are the more justified they are is dimply false and cant be supported

yeah u ar probably true with that

i think you got character :slight_smile: would be cool if you stick here

they could do a lot more in terms of engaging with the community. I think the blue posts we see now are actually worse than ignoring the community altogether would be.

if pinkbeard is to be asked i should be kicked from all forums :yum:

a few people here have problems with delivering the message no matter how right it can be… dont judge anyone here :slight_smile:

i mean look at your entrance :slight_smile: could have been a better way to engage the first time as well …

@ khisana you know how important comunication is for me :slight_smile: im well aware of that youre correct here.

hmmm well maybe we can open a therad and ask someone to engage in a friendly conversation … ill tinker about that in my head :slight_smile:


I just wanted you to stop being so negative, I don’t care if you stick around or not

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i did not recall asking for your opinion dude if u please keep those opinions about me to your self thank you i was having nice conversation with Toad and if u did not notice and yes that entry with burn in hell was realy off from me but it was not my first post here if u go up the post u will see that i complaind befor without those harsh words for them i am sry but they stand there now and i cant change that and yeah Toad i realy like conversation and i realy would like to hear from devs not just some kid. I never posted anywhere beacuse i usually dont have time i am fisherman by trade and spend good 16 hours on open water earning so i can provide for my fammily witch at this point i cant hug or talk face to face well over 35 days now and games r the thing that keeps me sane at this point but RNG in this game is realy crazy in last expansion and i runted just for that not the cards
Btw Toad how can i add u to my friends if u alow it ofc :slightly_smiling_face:
God i hate my keyboard it is in shambels

well im in a similar position …

i cant see my family either (no wife no kids tough but parents sister and nieces) simply because i dont know if i have the virus and im not going to risk it wiht my father having a pacemaker

so its settled you two had a bad start … let ist be… everyone is human so fights over

@kingmole you can add me ofc but im hardly online at hearthstone atm because my internet doesnt alows me to enter between 8.00 and 0.00 for some strange reason … (its really my internet not the game, i tested it) but yeah sure just add me

discord is an option as well Toad#0890