thx toad god how can some 1 have so much luck vs me realy beats me worlocks mages rouges combined 2 -156 for them and i tryed every deck and still my oponents have so much more luck on RNG that is geting realy frustrating gona switch to WOW or STO a bit and thx for lifting my spirts i realy need it THANK YOU so much
thats what i like to hear
my online family which is a REAL Thread to me right now (usually as well but now its just even more important) is keeping me going there are lots of nice people all over europe which help me stay happy
were all in a similar baot here
btw i had the same thing with secret mage in december and january … my boogeyman with galakrond Warrior which DESTROYED Everything else back then … but i wasnt able to get higher as rank 4 because 3 out of 4 games were against secret mage and i jsut have no idea what to do against them
trying out something new is always healthy.
keep those spirits up mate
I literally just… I’m not even… you know what, it doesn’t matter
ty now we can talk if u want and my negativity was born from moment and my frustration and i dont hold any gruges it sucks to have COVID-19 notihing to do other then play games or bang your head aganist the wall or get smacked HIC even doctor said no alchocol ; and they said alchocol over 45% strong kills viruses belay that last add to post i some times dont listen what doctors say
sry fealing relay down atm my son asked me why we dont go fishing when it is such sunny and nice weather !!!
yeah i understand that…
mate if you want to a conversation just add me on discord. Thanks to the Virus im very free atm.
sadly we all have to work together to get the upper hand of this micoscobic little sucker
stay strong we will get there!!
I think the expansion has some nice new content and shows that there is still a lot more concepts and ideas that can be introduced, like everything balancing is a difficult job and takes time, not to mention it is also perspective based, add to that the reliance on RNG that hearthstone embraces and it will never be perfect.
The only few negatives i really have experienced in the expansion so far is the Bad luck albatross, I understand the intent of the card to counter highlander decks, but it is hugely under costed for the huge effect it has, great stats, low range cost so it comes into play much earlier than a counter should and buys you in effect 2 free turns. Personally i think it needs a rework. The other had been mentioned a few times in here already, but the BG perks cost is outrageous, bundling it up with arena tickets is counter intuitive as i see them as opposing interests of game play ( casual / Competitive ), I’d much rather see them bundled with the pre-purchase options even just alone, it is what stopped me pre- purchasing this expansion myself. All in all fun content with just a few minor quirks. Keep up the good work and i look forward to future releases.
it will get nerfed early next week, along with some other cards.
i belive it when i see it
it would be nice if every one is playing diferent decks not just Galakrond worlock or token druid ; did not see any other decks in 3 days worth of playing and there is no way u can win vs those 2 decks at least for me
their new updates are shocking and unbalanced even the achievements have been designed so you take longer earning anything. i use to make 100 gold a day now it takes me 2 days to get close to that. Fix your game blizzard you bunch of clowns.