So, about that WoW Spit Emote

Since the spit emote is removed from WoW for whatever reason (people will probably now just /fart on each other) - can we have a spit emote for HS Battlegrounds? To show our appreciation for that one guy in a leapfrogger lobby who gets his baron first? Could also come with achievements, something like “Spit on 10 different players playing leapfrogger + parrot builds” or the (slightly) harder one “Spit on 5 opponents playing beasts in the same lobby”. Also, maybe a “Spit on an opponent getting 5+ demons on his hand via doomsayer before round 7” AV, too.
I mean, come on, if we have to suffer imbalanced $hit because quick fixes are obviously not a thing, let’s at least have a good laugh (and a good /spit)

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Considering the world nowadays, with Covid and all that, adding a /spit emote seems in incredibly poor taste.

Probably why it got removed from WoW too.

the leapfrogger built only works if you are baron tho. It really isnt that strong.

But i would love such an emote being added to the game. Its something wich is really needed with standard and wild modes when someone is using a questline deck in wild. or when someone is purposely being slow to annoy people

i think dey should ad /spit to hearthstone tbh…to convey how you feel about uder playaz.

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