So apparently i was wrong about the dumbest combo so far

2xFlag bearer portrait
all gold board
Motley Phalanx ,Persistant Poet, Motley Phalanx ,Flag bearer , Flage bearer , Ripsnarl Captain ,Baron
the result was the cycle of endless Sky Pirates charging the board taking down 2 full boards of between 100/100 minnions upto my biggest which was a 500/600
get rid of baron asap and make it a spell

Baron is plague and is such in his all incarnation, including the one in World of Warcraft…

Frankly the problem isn’t the Baron in this instance, it’s the Poet making permanent sky pirates on the Phalanxes.

never the less the dev’s are clueless they design the game but not one second do they ever think how things will interact with each other do they , oh and now it seems to bypass the annimations by closing the game and re0opening it kicks you out of the battleground , bang up job the designers are doing