So which ranking mode are you playing Standard, Wild, Classic?

Has the game settled yet?

Or is there still no real difference?

Which cards would you craft from your dust now?

I play mostly Wild and a bit of Standard.

I would not craft any card right now. Too soon and maybe Blizzard will have to act again if the meta settles on just two or three power classes. Warrior seems to be on the rise though, that’s good news.

Pirate Warrior or something else?

Seems to be some sort of Rush Warrior.

I came back to play classic. Note that I do come back every year in the summer to experience all the new cards and do my yearly legend climb, but this time I came back a bit early.

So far I like classic. It’s fun to use Warsong Commander again, a card I really missed.

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I’ve been playing Classic this month and I gotta say… I regret it. I’m on Diamond 5 now and I’m always matched against decks that counter me, my statistics are 30% Zoolocks, 23% Druids, 19% Miracle Rogues, 10 % Face Shaman and the rest is the rest. Every deck I played has a negative winrate because of bad draws or bad matchups except Control Warrior and even that deck is struggling. I’ve been playing HS since it came out and have never been so frustrated with the way this game plays, I’m even adapting my decks depending on what opponents I face, but it’s never enough and when I play those decks myself I always get bad matchups as well, really, really frustrating

Oh yeah I loved the card back then.

I didn’t play classic or HS for a while, but this month I tried to play my old deck again and reached legend top 200, though I am not sure what that means right now.

Either way, this is the deck.

2x inner rage
2x execute
2x whirlwind
2x battle rage
amani berserker
2x armorsmith
2x bloodsail raider
2x cruel task master
2x fiery war axe
2x acolyte of pain
2x frothing berserker
2x warsong commander
2x gnomish inventor
2x korkron elite
2x arcanite reaper
Grommash Hellscream

Once at legend I replaced the Amani Berserker with a Brawl.