in “Tombs of Terror”, as Reno while playing the treasure card “Mystical Mirage” even though the card is a twinspell it plays the animation of a miniaturize card. after the hand is refilled with temporary copies of cards in my deck one of them pops in my hand like a mini card would. i noticed that the card that would be the “mini” would always be the weapon card “Hooked Scimitar”. Also after your hand is replaced with temporary copies you can only play the spells and the weapons but not the temporary copies of minions. you can however play minions that you would either draw from your deck or generate randomly or through effects like “Discover”. i hope the explanation is detailed enough so that the issue may be dealt with as soon as possible.
Update: playing the second copy of “Mystical Mirage” works as originally intended. The issue is the code seems to mistake twinspell for miniaturize