Stormwind meta games are no fun

So I have been playing some “off meta” decks which means: No quest mage, fire mage, quest warlock, otk demon hunter. And I know that it is too early to talk about a meta since a lot of people try different stuff which I love!

But here is my problem with this…all those decks do all things together without downside:

  • progress win condition
  • draw
  • clear / control board

If you don’t have an aggro deck AND a rly good start you just can’t keep up. I won a lot of games as shaman, druid, warrior by NOT playing any minion cards and overdrawing my cards and only start playing them turn 8 or so instead of playing my mana curve.
Why? Simple. All those decks are built around clearing. And they can’t prgress without it.

Warlock can’t play his clears without minions, Mage can’t get his frost prgress and DH will start overdrawing like crazy. But that’s no fun.
Since I can’t kill them because their control is too good I am better off just not playing cards.
A mage conceded against me because he was stuck with frost on turn 10 because he had an ice barrier (which I didn’t trigger since turn 3) and I had no minions to flury. Once he overdrew ignite he conceded. And I played freaking quest druid. AND I NEVER ATTACKED.

Similar thing happened with warlock. I played quest shaman and burned 3 cards in turn 7 just so they had to use all their removal on their own minions or an empty board. Once they started to overdraw too they (had to) make crazy stupid plays just so they progress quest. And I won.

But not playing your cards at all because overdrawing your cards is better then letting the enemy play his / hers feels so so bad…

Long text I am sry. <3
How is your experience? Do board centered decks work for you at the moment?
And I know that they work quite fine against other board decks and not everyone is playing WL or mage but they are the most prominent for sure


I feel you, this expansion is just terrible. New cards are always good and fun but those questlines killed the game completley for me, and its not just because some of them are disgustingly op, but the game just feels very scripted and with basically no board interaction in some matchups. I am sure it will be somewhat better with time but questlines shouldnt have been introduced.


i feel like some quest lines are perfectly fine
example priest yes it is win condition but it never really happens before you are already at under 10 cards in the deck.

I have a problem With DH ( and still green windfury ragnaros) and their quest

And most of all with Mage its simply no fun to play against them
they just kill you with all their damage spells… with 0 interaction on the board and i dont want to watch them play solitair…
( in general there are too many face spells in the game at the moment)
even Doomhammer should finally get hall of famed if you asked me…

i mean how are they so blind to not finally nerf all the face and aggro decks which terrorise the meta since years

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That is exactly how many Stormwind games feel now. Devs didn’t learn from past mistakes (remember the old Quest Rogue?).


I think the cards are good, the quests are not. Remove the quests and already the expansion will be better

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The game has just gotten worse each expansion with more non-interactive gameplay. Last xpac we had druid which played only armorgain/ramp and if you didn’t pressure (while hindering) the ramp you lost by turn 8, warriors/priests just wiping 5 turns of boardsetup with 2 cards etc etc. This xpac we have 2 classes winning simply by powerdrawing through their deck (rogue/lock). The only silverlining is that priest is pretty much non-existant. But this is the first time I’m actually thinking about quitting since 80% of the games you just sit there and watch the opponent do their thing. OTK DH was and is still insanely stupid but we clearly didn’t need more of theese kind of brainless decks in the game.


When they are billions of spells that goes to face only idiots will print more spells that can and will go face. a child knows that, a child also knows that aggro needs to run out of fuel but idots print unlimited card draws for them for some reason. how about remove 8 other classes ?


The quest gameplay in this expansion is an abomination.

There is Zero fun in watching your opponent play their cards regardless of the board and auto-win turn 4 to (throw the dice) 7.

We already had that ridiculous zero mana Mage nonsense, now virtually every class has a solitaire option. And whomever came up with the Elwynn Boar should be given a good shoe-ing in the carpark. Apparently a 15/3 weapon wasn’t good enough, it had to destroy all mana crystals as well! As if the utter relentless tedium of playing against the various incarnations of the mindless zombie rez-Priest over the past 5 years wasn’t enough, Blizzard gives it a never ending weapon that literally stops the opponent from playing.

How a game developer with this many years of experience in a card game can:

  1. have the idea for these kinds of quests
  2. think it’s a good idea
  3. play test it and still think it’s a good idea
    …is beyond me.

I’ve been playing this game close to 8 years through some great and some poor expansions. United in Stormwind has just led Hearthstone to the toilet, stuck its head right down into the filthy bowl and pulled the chain.

Blizzard…If the goal was to, at best, fundamentally destroy interactive gameplay and at worst break the game, congratulations you managed it.


I agree on almost everything except the boar and weapon part.
As it is a meme from southpark (WOW episodes) and i think its quite funny but its way too strong for a meme
the requirement should be increased : 7 boars is too easy to achieve.
It should stay a meme card for meme decks and not be a meta defining card.

Well it is in standard. They might just ban it from wild, which would be at annoyance to them as literally everyone should dust their copies cause we get free ones on the reward track :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If there is a meta where a meme card made it to even tier 2 deck that is a meta i would love, also just because it happens for it to work sometimes by turn 4 doesnt mean it always works if you lose 3 games and win 1 is not good even if it was turn 2

Yeah. Have to agree. The Hunter and Warlock quests are like watching a slow motion car crash of inevitability. And the boars and weapon are just soul destroying to play against.

in my opinion the questline from Warlock is Bugged. because in my turn dealing DPS to the hero hit’s me instead???