Suspension : Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics

Today i received a 1 week suspension reasoning : Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics
Any idea what might be the cause of this?I appealed my ban but i got a generic response(read our rules etc).I haven’t used any cheats or having exploited anything in my time playing the game,but i do play a lot and i suspect this might be the reason lol.

Only thing I can think of is if you are throwing games on purpose to affect your rating.

Blizzards algorithms will easily pick up on this.

Nope,never did that.I get legend every month and then play arenas only.I do casuals to finish quests and i dont think i’ve ever thrown a game on purpose to lose rating(why would i even do that?)

I mean that would be harsh. I concede games right off the bat when I come up against those special Wizbang decks. Being punished for not wanting to waste my time against a deck I’ll obviously lose to seems stupid.

That’s probably it. If you concede like that the algorithms will assume that you are doing it in some kind of exploitative way.

Normally a player will only concede a few turns in, not immediately before the game even starts.

Blizzard has built in a ton of algorithms and yes, big brother Blizzard is watching you.

you sure thats what it means?

Hey the same exact thing happened to me…I didn’t use any third party software nor bots…It just happened that I played a lot of games lately, like literally played 12 hours a day or more…maybe that may be the issue with blizzard’s bot dectection system?

Did u get banned for exploiting game mechanics?

did you use a bot??? could someone give me a good bot program dat blizzerd can’t detect. plz.

Were you using the Azerite Snake + Alexstrasza exploit?
Only exploit I am aware of in the game.