Tavern brawl and daily quests

I just want to express my opinion that I’m disappointed in the change done alongside the new quest system.

I think it’s petty to stop counting tavern brawl matches to quest progress in daily quests. It’s something that has worked for a long time, since the times brawls were only up for a few days a week and it was never an issue.

I’m not sure why it has become an issue to fix right now after actual years have passed.


You’re not talking about the weekly win 7 ranked games quest are you?

As far as I’ve seen every daily should be able to be done in tavern brawls, only some of the weeklies are mode specific (with ironically the play 3 tavern brawls daily being the exception).

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Just tested again.

Literally everything. Hero power usage daily quest? Doesn’t work with brawl. Play as a certain class quest? doesn’t work.


Oh snap you’re right, it’s there in the latest patch notes:

  • Quests – Quests can be completed in Casual, Ranked, Arena, and Duels. Certain quests may also point you to Battlegrounds or Tavern Brawls. Quests can also be completed in the Friendly Challenge variants of any of these modes.

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but you’er not wrong, it is petty.


I was disappointed to learn this too. Tavern Brawl should continue to help complete daily quests. Very petty.


Yes, disappointing and nonsensical. It was an easy way to complete the class quests for classes you didn’t like/have the cards for. I really see no point in playing this format now beyond the one win a week which is a real shame.


Just another shot to the player base for no reason. I finished a lot of quests in TB because I didn’t have a fun deck to play with certain classes. I will never play more than it takes to get 1 win in TB from now on I guess.


It really stinks, to be honest. I just started playing again after a couple years away, and spamming brawls to finish dailies was the only way for me to get some of those quests done without failing upward. I still have a ton of gaps in my cards, so having brawls was a godsend.

Naturally, I guess we couldn’t just have the system that was in place for checks notes the entirety of the existence of the game any more…

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Yeah super lame, I was excited to be able to open the game and have choice as to what I want to play while still completing quests :frowning:

There’s some quests I understand excluding modes like enemy hero damage in Battlegrounds as the scaling would be way off, but excluding tavern brawls and solo adventures means if you actually want to keep up with the rewards track (which can now be paid for) you are limited in what you can play.

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Brawl was my go to game mode for doing daily quests, it was a good way to keep playing brawl after your pack and have fun doing your daily.



One of the the many many reasons why i quitted today.

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i agree with you guys, there is no point in what they did to tavern brawl

I don’t even understand this change. This was a godsend for new or returning players. This was the only realistic way of stockpiling gold prior to release and actually finishing quests that I do not have easy access too.

The only other plausible way now is playing Arena since I don’t have a solid collection and its the only mode that doesn’t require a good collection, but that is counter-intuitive if I’m trying to save gold for next release.

I JUST got back into Hearthstone, and I literally just want to leave again. So annoying when they make terrible decisions like this.


I get dailies being faster in tavern brawl, but how can you have struggled to do any previous daily? They’ve all been play quests, not win. Which quest was even remotely easiest to do in tavern brawl? (Outside play tavern brawl quest and extreme coincidence e.g. play beast during spider brawl.)

They cant monetise Brawl the same way as other modes, so it makes sense to push people to play game modes where the user will more likely lead into paying for something.

My favorite part of the game is the Tavern Brawl, I love seeing what the new brawl will be every week. I’m severely disappointed that they no longer count towards any of the quests. @Blizzard please fix this

Good news for ya, a new patch will arrive in a couple of days where playing the tavern brawl will count towards your quests.