The game is currently unplayable

My thoughts on necessary nerfs.

  • Pen Flinger can only be used on Minions,
  • Deck of Lunacy make the effect a little worse,
  • Sword of the Fallen one less durability,
  • Refreshing Spring Water only generates 1 mana crystal,
  • Apexis Blast only on Minions for 4 mana. Mage still has enough burst then.
  • Tickatus only 3 manaburn, it is not dominant in relation to the meta, but it just feels bad when Cthun is hardly played because of it.
  • Ilgynoth also has to be processed. Degree again in a turn (Turn 9) 60 Dmg in the face. Very fair. Not! I don’t want to be forced to aggro because of decks like this …

These changes are guaranteed to improve other classes, such as hunters and warriors.

It would be nice again if the game could be won more over the board. It’s not fun at the moment.
I was pleased that there was less facial burst, but little has changed.
In the past, combos were prevented and you can see rightly.
Likewise, the developers should slowly realize that manacheat only causes problems, especially 0 mana overpowered cards.


I can not disagree.
I am extremely disappointed from “Forged in the Barrens” expansion, so far. Especially after how it was announced by Ben Lee in the BlizzCon 2021. I do not remember the exactly words but it sounds something like:

There’s no better time to come back to play Hearthstone

Oh, please…

Hearthstone requires a HUGE rework in RNG system, it’s not only “Deck of Lunacy” or “Oh My Yogg". Ofc, these are the ultimate representations of an already deep broken system.

Situations in which you are on the last cards and you are winning, because you have played better than your opponent, and suddenly they turn into defeats because some card has created cards that were NOT there in the original deck and gave it the win condition are: frustrating, NOT fun and they do not give any added value to the game, for anyone. Neither for the player nor for Blizzard.

So, do we have to think that Blizzard wants a game that generates hatred and anger for us and our children, instead of positive values?

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Why did you think that? The core of Hearthstone’s business model is maximizing random in the game. Why? Because if the game is completely random, every player has close to 50% to win. If wits or skill would matter, eventually only the smartest would stay, because the less smart would have too much failure. But in the current system, it is ensured that everyone has equal chance to win if they can craft a specific deck, so it appeals to a larget audience / playerbase.
If you want to play a game which requires thinking, play poker, blackjack or roulette. In HS, if you can netdeck, and learn the rules, it will be random only.

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Well said, Behemot!

All this randomness is pretty fun to be fair :^]

Mage isn’t the only problem. There are too many one turn unbeatable trick combos now - for Mage, Warlock, Palladin and rogue which are sucking all the fun out of the game

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With the current amount of outputs from high mana spells, it’s not a slot machine, it’s a scam. Guldan 3 mana into 4 mana nagrand slam, Ok.

Roulette is the most random game you can get. The roulette wheel is a random number generator.


I am done with this bad game for many reasons. Thanks!

So you’re angry cuzz of the randomness? Just stop playing the game. That should help you.

You dont understand what these players talking about. I definitely Agree with them. Blizzard just destroying this game.

This game is really unplayable. Hunter give you Billion damage to your face a you cant do nothing with this. Warlock destroing everything on the board and burning ten cards from your deck. Paladin is toxic. Mage is too op and stupid rng in this game. No support From Blizzard, I mean Balance. No nerfs cards before new expansion. Im really tired from this.

Well, Hunter: heal, gain armor. Warlock: put more cards to your deck, spawn minion after minion, no wide boards. Hard to say about your problem with Paladin and Mage, cos you’re not specific.
What I agree with is too much RNG, but well, that is how Heartstone is now and many people like it that way.

Hunter uzdrav se? I nearly every time die on stupid spell what kill minion andy left damage go to your face he can kill own minion doesnt matter if you heal. Is not counter for this. You can do nothing like many stupid cards in this game what you can’t defend against.

Priest is now very weak agains Warlock

jj, uzdrav se :slight_smile: Or stop playing and wait for nerfs.

Actually, not really . Depends on the deck. You can use Illucia to swap hands during a crucial turn and play all his removals.

Omg, I really used Czech words :smiley:

No problem :slight_smile: I’ve seen French, Spanish here, so why not Czech? :slight_smile:

I agree. I’ve never been so frustrated with the game of Hearthstone. In the standard ranking game, most opponents are mages against which it is practically impossible to win. He can react to all situations… It’s so annoying