I’ve played Hearthstone since its humble beginning in 2014. I’ve succumbed to the increased of randomness in the game, and I’ve had my ups and downs regarding the RNG mechanics of the game. My greatest hope for the “Forged in the Barrens” expansion was that the developers would decrease the randomness and therefore increase the decision making process (actual tactical capacity) for their fans. Only a few days into the expansion we can however see which deck has been the clear winner: “No minion mage” aka the complete RNG fiesta deck which neither can be interacted with nor be teched against. As we speak my ladder experience have consisted of 80% mages. The amount of times the mage has taken control of the game with their own cards and/or efficient trades/control spells remains close to zero. I cannot count how many times I’ve had to deal with Deck of Lunacy + Incanter’s Flow and then waiting for the upcoming RNG fiesta that is Hearthstone anno 2021. Even the most aggressive deck with the most fortunate draws stand zero chance against this deck most of the time. In my humble opinion, as a first time commentator of these forums, I hope the developers take measures to make the game playable within a reasonable time. Something needs to be done about this deck. I hope I’m not the only one with these thoughts.
I’m usually not one to complain and often go by the concept of letting the meta settle before getting to conclusions. However, I want to add my experience to this thread, not because I find “No Minion Mage” unbeatable, but because I find it extremely frustrating how the games play out and how it is shaping the meta.
My experience so far in Standard has been facing Mages 1/3 of the matches. Beating them is not the issue, I can beat them, but it is never a good experience. If I play Face Hunter, I don’t enjoy the game since the experience with this deck is extremely polarised and there’s very little decision making. If I play Secret Palladin, I can’t make any decision because I have no idea what the Mage is going to play, especially if they played Deck of Lunacy. The only decent decision I’ve made against Mage was to hold an “Oh My Yogg” to beat Flamestrike.
The other part of the problem is Palladin. Sword of the Fallen is extremely polarising. In the mirror, whoever draws it wins. Against other decks, I either draw it and I’m way ahead or I don’t and maybe, just maybe I’ll lose.
I wouldn’t mind if No Minion Mage with all its randomness was a meme deck for fun and giggles, but the upgraded spells with cost reduction are meta shaping and I’m yet to have a rewarding game against them. To be clear, it’s not a matter of losing against them, because I’m winning, it’s just not rewarding to win and it’s frustrating to lose.
I love clown fiesta decks. They should never be at the top of the meta. So I actually agree that my initial reaction is that it should be nerfed.
I too have played this game since its inception but have not been as loyal as yourself. I have taken many breaks from the game during what I perceived to be degenerate metas. I did however, after having my motivation to play reinvigorated by classic hearthstone, look forward to Forged in the Barrens. It is early days but even so, (I feel ridiculous saying this) the meta feels stale already. The primary issue for me is the oversight on Blizzard’s behalf of both Jandice Barov and Deck of Lunacy drawing from a limited card pool of predominately powerful cards. Rest assured, you are not the only person with these thoughts. Lets hope that Blizzard are quick to react and we can get back to enjoying the new expansion.
I’ve been legend the last 4 months in wild, been saving up for Barrens standard to see less mages because Wild was nothing but basically priest and mage , then here I am…
I think it’s absolutely out of hand someone capable of lethal turn 5 on standard with nothing but range, literally I have seen guy pulling out 25 dmg in a single turn. I’m trying to enjoy my trash Neeru Warlock , being a minority who choose fun over wins and I still manage to win and heals basically more than a priest ever does , like I’m being forced to basically sacrifice my deck, my minions, my spells only to survive…whats next , sacrifice this game I guess…
Honestly i totally aggree with you guyz. I really get bored to face with only mages in my ranked game. This situtations harming to playable of this game day by day. In my opinion blizzard should take fast reaction for this kind of unbalanced decks as soon as possible. Otherwise most of players who do not want to play this kind of decks will stop to play.
Man, it’s sooo annoying…
9/10 games i’m faceing spell Mage and i don’t know how but they have deck of lunacy every game in their opening hand.
It’s not even fun anymore…
Hm, for me it seems that I am on the opposite side of this - since I have played that infamous deck for past 2 days (though there are several types, so hard to say which one exactly you guys are talking about). My personal experience? Secret paladin beats it very easily.
And tbh - Deck of Lunacy is my big issue and I actually removed that spell from my deck as I am unfortunately “a bad luck/RNG” player, so I cannot in clear conscience play that card. I have seen some insane plays, but I was always on the receiving end of it. Whenever I played DoL, I lost terribly, as the game changed into a damn random tavern brawl.
But I do agree with the original post - the amount of randomness in the game is OFF-PUTTING. And not only because of the DoL. Yogg Saron box could talk volumes about this. I was one turn away from a win, then Yogg Box as a hail Mary from my opponent and I was dead…
The same way it is not fun anymore to play anyone who plays a warlock =/
Actually problem between mages and warlocks is that, plays of warlocks can be predictable. On the other hand plays of mages can not be predictable because of Deck of Lunacy. This is complately RNG. This is why win rate of no minion mages are really high.
It’s fine to play whatever you want to play, mate. It’s not your responsibility to design the game. You play the cards you see fit.
Well… that’s the other side of the coin. I’m playing Secret Paladin… should I post a screenshot of my stats? It’s merely 94%WR so far. The problem is not No Minion Mage alone, it’s No Minion Mage with Deck of Lunacy AND Secret Paladin.
To be honest, I don’t have an issue with it without Deck of Lunacy. I don’t mind that Deck of Lunacy made a meme deck. I don’t mind that No Minion Mage is T1. What I do mind is that Deck of Lunacy has a 70%+WR when played in No Minion Mage.
I’m playing Secret Rogue. It’s doing pretty well against Mages, and doing fairly well against Secret Paladins too. For the latter you can always include that new tech minion that copies your opponent’s secrets.
Honestly, Deck of Lunacy is my favorite spell in the game. I just like the design. You’re cheating mana and a creating a giant slot machine. So what? It’s fun.
Nice bait mate I rate eight out of eight dam straight.
Careful guys or alexRen will come in here and shut down your post for being " Factually Wrong " like he did to mine,
Btw I agree with everything OP said, all i seem to run into is DoL mages and since i cant predict what they get in the deck once they cast it its normally like 75% loss for me…
Perhaps limit what they can get from it and simply alter the discounts dunno im open to ideas…
The last match I played with Deck Lunacy, I cast it on turn 3 against Priest and got stuck with multiple Brawls and deck-summoning spells.
So, DL is really a gamble, actually. It’s a fun gamble, but it can you screw you over too.
Sometimes it’s better to stick to the C’Thun end-game and not cast Deck of Lunacy.
Once you’ve cast it, you’re at the mercy of RNG, and your win condition is a casino game.
Stopped playing HS at all. Reach me Blizzard when fix is announced but now I’m saying goodbye to the next expansion. Enough!
They have already officially stated they screwed up and are nerfing DoL into the ground. So give it a week or 2 and come back.
Please, do you have any source for that?
There is just too many cards in game now that gives health and attack buff that it is unplayable if not use same kind ot meme deck