The more you understand the game

Ye thats pretty much how every fcking online card games work. They are scripted to decide what player will win and he will just have all perfect topdecks + perfect rng. They do this so even the dumbest player online can have some win, be happy and keep playing/buy packs; and this work because the majority of players are too stupid to notice it. You cant stop this exept by quit this shtty online game and play only with physical cards


You dont like it and therefor you play sonething else?

You do the right thing bud.

Many others just complain and still keep playing

I mean we dont have evidence about the system you described but we certainly know for sure such a system doesnt exist in physical games for sure

It’s a game of pure roulette, I hate seeing bad players just float the boat to good rating because of they bought cards and extreme card dealts.

Then play something else

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