…the more you realise that is yet another scam as all of the other online card games.
No matter the skills, the system decides how far you can go and when you have reached the “allowed rank” for the day, it is better to stop playing since you will be confronted with all sorts of “unlucky” situations.
This is, without a doubt, my experience here.
I disagree, I’ve jumped from rank 20 to 6 within 2 weeks some days I jumped multiple ranks other days only one or so. As you get higher up the ranks your going to face better players and decks so your win rate is going to decrease and ranking will be slower unless you go on a crazy streak. The game has a lot of rng cards and games can be decided on who rolls best and overall plays best… It is not 100% about skill and never has been but of course being good helps. What else do you expect, it’s a card game…
What rank are you stuck at?
Ok… but why?
And why you?
The deadly shot part is what i dont get exactly.
Why should the game decide to help your opponent but not you?
This is a clear case of confirmation bias. Don’t worry, my friend, there’s nothing wrong with you. You are just being human. You’ll be a happier human if you know what confirmation bias is and how it affects your perception though.
Best of luck.
This is a clear case of belief bias. Don’t worry, my friend, there’s nothing wrong with you. You are just being human. You’ll be a happier human if you know what belief bias is and how it affects your perception though.
Best of luck.
I love you too, Chicharito.
I get that you are frustrated and I don’t mean to come down too harshly on you, but what you are saying makes no sense.
• As the others have said, you are likely focusing only on the times when you were unlucky, not on the times you had the perfect topdeck or got the exact brawl outcome you needed.
• Having bad luck in a card game is not the same as a “system”, designed to work against you. No matter the card game, luck is a big part of it and every player has bad days. If you want to eliminate luck as component, there are plenty of extremely skill-dependent games like high rating WoW PvP for example, but these require you to invest a huge amount of time. Luck in Hearthstone is actually a good thing in a sense, because it lets even casual players enjoy the game and not get beat down by people, who play 10 hours a day every day.
• If there is such a system, why do some people consistently reach high ranks and others do not? Such a system would mean that sometimes a top 100 Legend rank player would finish at rank 5 and a chronic rank 5-er would reach top 100 Legend. So again, why does this not happen? And please don’t say playtime, because most experienced players can grind R5 Legend in less than 15 hours.
• I don’t want to put you on the spot, so feel free to decline this, but why don’t you send us a few of your replays from when “the system” held you back? Most people only think they are playing correctly, when in fact they are not. I’ve seen friends at r5-Legend making horrible misplays. I also regularly make mistakes and only notice them when watching replays.
If the game really irritates you so much, you should not play it. And I don’t mean this in a bad way. Games are supposed to be fun. If they are a chore or a source of anger, then you should find something else to invest your time in. Calling card games a scam with some elaborate system for targeting good players is just silly. Best of luck!
Well, well, guess I am 13 days too late. I’m sorry for that! I’ve somehow missed the notification and it did not occur to me to check back for a reply. Better late than never I suppose.
First of all, thank you very much for the concise and respectful reply! I do not get many of those on online forums, so I appreciate each one!
I agree, that the existence of such a system is perfectly feasible. I imagine that talented programmers, who have managed to implement so many card interactions and create cards like Zephrys, are perfectly capable of designing a simple, yet effective matchmaking system, that enforces a specific end-state.
Actually, I used to think exactly like you. I have a decent amount of knowledge in statistics, so when I would get tilted in the past, I would calculate the odds of particularly unlucky events like for example not drawing a specific card for say 20 games in a row, that lasted an average of 12 turns. Or there was this one deck I had with a 70% win rate over 300 games and then I lost more than 30 games in a row in the span of 1 week. Needless to say, these things are so statistically improbable, that I was convinced such a system existed. Anecdotally, I am still convinced that some form of matchmaking is at play here, probably an MMR system, akin to the one in WoW arenas, but not to the extent, which you have described in your post.
But I have digressed from the point. My point is that there is very little statistical evidence for such a system. Even a sample of 5000 games is, in my opinion, not enough. Then there are things such as confirmation bias and other subjective factors. I have also reconsidered my position on replays and now agree, that posting them here would only offer us further subjective data, which is not worth much.
In short, I am of the opinion, that with the limited amount of objective data people like you and me have, it is impossible to conclusively determine, whether such a system exists. It may, or it may not. In the absence of a research with proper statistical methods and enough data or without direct access to Blizzard’s code, calling card games, including Hearthstone, a scam is completely unfounded. Furthermore, simply speculating about it here serves absolutely no purpose either to you, or to the other forum members. What is most important is that we have fun with the game. If we do not, it’s better to just take a break from HS or find another game altogether, than to rile up ourselves over unprovable algorithms.
Of course you are entitled to your opinion and a apologize, if I have misconstrued your posts somehow. Maybe I got mildly irritated, that I read what i perceived to be another baseless algorithm-bashing post. Can’t really speak for my feelings from 13 days ago, when I can’t remember what I had for dinner 3 days ago
Anyway, I enjoyed talking to you about this, it was a nice distraction from the whole HK debacle and all the spam posts. If you have anything else to add, feel free to do so. If not, I wish you a pleasant day!
Stuck at Rank 10 wild.
what deck are you using?
Secret Mage without Alunerh
what rank are you aiming for?
rank 10 wild is pretty good man, I saw lots of good aggro decks and quite enough mill rogues big priests and control reno decks, I play secret mage too, was rank 5 2 seasons ago with the deck and it’s good again now, thing is in this meta you can hardly use Aluneth
can you post your decklist? you could say which match up you hate the most and which one is your easiest, if you have data with number of matches it’d be great
Last month I managed to get to rank 9. Almost made 8 but lost subsequent matches. I thought something strange was going on as I was winning a hell of a lot of matches. Then after rank 9 the tides changed. This month I am back down to rank 15. I don’t see myself ever getting to rank 1. In my experience it is impossible as once you are on that losing streak it is game over and you are back where you started.
When i get a loosing streak i turn the Game off
Dont know about you but i start to make vad desicions the more i loose which is a big reason for my loosing streak
I have had to switch the game off for that very reason. Sometimes though, I can be a bit stubborn and continue playing, thinking maybe I can break the losing streak cycle but usually to no avail lol.
im on the same board here
but we will learn that sooner or later
Buy more card packs.
This might be the most wholesome response I have read on these forums! I thank you for it and I’m glad we have found common ground!
In 1 day my SN1P-SN4P warlock deck took me from rank 23 to rank 12, I left it at that because I didn’t want to burn myself out. Next season I went from rank 15 to 8 with secret mage. There is no system that just gives you bad luck