The great skill of copying decks from others and waiting to be lucky on cards random order LOL
I love people saying luck games require skill LOL
Have fun living in your wonderland world !!!
I agree with you on everything, but chiefly that Aggro has been massively dumbed down.
The truth is that when I’m short on time, I’ll resort to playing fast easy decks like Aggro Taunt Druid(the easiest deck to play in Standard).
The problem card there is Razormane Battleguard.It simply has insane value.
Pirate Warrior had existed before, now it has been bolstered with a win condition, but honestly, it’s also a fun deck to play. It’s stimulating.
You plop stuff on the board, consistently drawing additional minions to advance your quest, and only slow down occasionally to play against Dirty Rat, or to answer an opponent’s aggression.
And as for Quest Mage, it simply has a lot of cheap value cards. Though I’ve always disliked playing the deck. I find it tedious to play.
The primary problem card there is Cram Session.
So, I think if the developers would look into changing some of these cards , we’d be looking at a healthier meta.
i google for this topic when playing duels and enemy just wins cause of the new Reno hero its just lame every 4th game lost is a “ok played rly well or i played so bad” but im used to loose cause of extreme enemy random luck or things like reno lone dump ranger.
Standart is like always its fun until a new set is released then its not fun until pass (free) is done and some legendaries are collected crafted and then new set again that thing
when was this ever a skill game ??? its always been a massive RNG fest