I’ve been playing this game from the beginning it got released and I’m very disappointed it went this direction. I will no longer participate in matches where RNG overcomes skill. I’m moving on there are way better skilled card/turn based games out there than this abomination that had become.
Alright. I hope you find what you’re looking for!
Yes. I’m deleting the game. No more bullsht.
Its a another P2W buged game, where skill becomes irrelevant, being a loser that spends money on decks will make you win games, ppl like me, that will NEVER spend a cent on lame free games, will never be able to go up in rank or have a fair fight… its trashy money grab system for kids to spend mom and daddys money LOL
There is only Battlegrounds as the only decent and fair game mode right now, where money doesn’t matter and neither do decks.
Blizzard is a decadent company and their games going same direction.
You are mistaken
- It is a high skill cap game that requires game knowledge and an analytical mind to succeed at a high level.
- It does not require money to spend. You can focus on 1 deck and playstyle that suits you. Easily craftable foc
Its clear that you like the game and that you are very frustrated that you are not doing as well in it as you would like.
Instead of venting your anger, could I suggest how your initial post should have been written:
“Hello everyone. Please help me. I really, really, really like this game. But whatever I do, I just cant seem to do very well. I spent half my salary trying to improve my collection last month and I cant even reach gold tier.”
For those of you who know how to play, I would appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks”
You’re welcome mate
oi blud…this game is bare P2W. youz a waste man for suggesting that all it requires is skill. also blud blizzard help players who pay. pay to play playa’s get support from the matchmaking algorithm. 100% ded srs.
Nah man. Didn’t say it was pure skill. I said it requires skill at the top level. Just like poker. Anyone can play poker and get jammy for a one off win. You can be lucky and win a game. But you cant be lucky and consistently climb. That goes for a poker tournament, and it goes for hs ranked ladder.
And you chattin bare breeze bout algorithms. Not even worth discussion
breeze yourself blud
Well, I have been thinking the same thing for some time now. There is ofc knowledge of the game (atm this comes down to knowing about 4 decks that appear in D5-1 that we are all playing/playing against).
But the truth is, that there are too many RNG effects ATM that hinder strategic decisions or make them straight impossible. Sometimes it just feels like the game is feeding your opponent just the cards he/she needs to counter your every play through random/discover effects, while suckerpunching you.
One answer is Classic mode, which TBH is a tad slow for my taste.
The result of that feeling is that I get to D5 every month, then I refrain from playing ranked except for quest requirements.
And I also try not to play BGs anymore, as the mode hates me and punishes me through RNG.
RNG has always been constant. We only notice when it appears to go against us. Believe me, 50% of rng will have gone in your favour over your hs lifetime. You just won’t know it and it won’t feel like it has.
The reality is that if we want to climb we have little choice but to adapt to the meta. Ladder climbing is predominantly a results business and not for fun/entertainment. Like winning a boring football match 1-0 in a cup final by playing defensively to mitigate mistakes.
I’ll tell my story for this month: I hit D5 in wild with Reno evenslock. Progression started to slow down at some point as I realised odd quest hunters were my particular problem. Stats on my tracker confirmed this. I had a positive win rate vs every single class except Hunter. 70% win rate overall in approx 100 games. But vs Hunter I was 5-10. That’s a poor ratio so I made some changes.
I suddenly teched heavily for Hunter banking that it wouldn’t affect performance vs other classes. I probably became one of the few people on the sever to include Bolf Ramshield since evenslock doesn’t have access to useful tech options like healbot/loatheb.
Have since made legend and have won 4 of my last 6 vs Hunter. So the tinkering worked. Including a loss where I had lethal on board but was on 2 health left. He had nothing but discover secret. I had no option but to go face as had no heal mechanic left. And ofc he had explosive trap and I lost.
You think I’m cursing my rng?? Hell no. He got lucky at that moment. Good for him. My reaction was a smile and not bitterness because I know that luck is not consistent. But skill and knowledge on the ladder definitely is.
I cannot remember an instance in hearthstone history where the game was skill based, as a card game it’s random from the moment you draw from the deck. The pack based nature makes it inherently not skill based but card based and the random nature of many abilities has always made it random. You can play around the randomness in a more knowledgeable way than someone else but that’s the fullest extent of the skill, the most it ever was and the most it can ever be.
Its no more random than any poker variant or any card game in the world. Its innate randomness is what allows for the concept of calculated risk. This is a skill in itself. Get it right and you win more games than you lose. You cant hope for more than that
Those who cannot see the skillsets for each deck archetype are not looking properly.
A few examples:
- Malygos Druid / Miracle rogue (old school or modern garrote) = Quick thinking for multiple card draws under time pressure – (im not good at this personally. Too fast for me)
- Handlocks = Full hand equates to more choices and more analytics every turn (my preference. Prime example of turn based decision making)
- ALL Secret classes = Poker mechanics. Try to get opponent to do what you want them to, including bluffs
There’s plenty more of course. But im sure you get the point
If you think the game is overly random in general then id suggest you’ve been playing too much Shaman. With a random hero power, random evolves/devolves, random damage etc. In that case I couldn’t agree more. The most random class of HS has never appealed to me and I’ve barely ever tried it.
From the moment randomness of cards order exists skill is irrelevant, this in all cards games, you not skilled, your are lucky lol.
Money spend on nice decks + a positive randomness will make skill irrelevant.
The fact some cards together are too OP also makes skill irrelevant.
And what you call skill is nothing but knowing cards well, sorry mate, that’s not skill LOL skill is playing, for example, a FPS game and being skilled aiming or a race game and have driving skills, throwing cards into a table is not Skill lol.
Its a game where skill is irrelevant, knowing cards is important but is not a skill, them all rest is random order which cards leave your deck, and many times its crap to you and good to opponent or other way around, in each case it sucks because either you lose too fast or win too fast… lol
Only playable mode is Battlegrounds but only if you already have the choice to pick among 4 heroes, if you still stuck to only 2 you may end up giving up if 2 options are crap.
As for ranked Hearthstone is unplayable right now, either unbalanced or you have this new type of trolls that waste all the time limit and do not play any card or simply play a random one lol.
Its a game to pass time, no skills needed, just need to know how to read to see what card does LOL and be lucky in the order cards appear to you, good players in this rely on luck 90%, 10% is knowing cards, simple.
But hey, keep thinking you have skills, good for your ego, but it’s not true !!
There are only 3 possibilities in your case
Either you didn’t read my last post
You didn’t understand the post properly because I can tell English is not your first language. That’s ok. I accept that.
You do not understand the definition of the word ‘skill’. – This is not a HS issue. This requires some intelligence which I cannot help you with.
If its #3, The problem is you seem to think that skill must be something physical, like your examples which involve shooting or racing etc. This is incorrect and actually very ignorant
Good skill in a game is simply something that someone is good at. This includes mental abilities that are involved in a game like HS. I have described some of these skills in my previous post.
If you have read that post properly and you still don’t understand, then unfortunately you are not qualified to comment on the subject.
The problem isn’t RNG it’s that things have become far to simple. Take for example warrior and Hunter quests it’s just play this card or do damage with spell, there is no skill in that a 3 year old could complete those quests. It’s also apparent in earlier metas before where you would have over powered cards that heavily restrict you now there simple, it’s gone from: have one of each card to have only this 4 drop. The game has moved to a aggro meta but not a fun one just a dumb down, the whole joke of me go face has become reality. The only time you’ll find a skilled match is by playing a meta deck there’s no longer a play a different deck and challenge the meta, it’s play aggro or loose 90% of your matches. I don’t think you can sit any day that blizzard have actually challenged us as players for a long time. If you want more proof look at how many cards are just clones of previous cards the new mini set has Edwin 2.0 for example. It’s not a wrong to say this game has purely become a money maker with no love or attention put into it. I’m willing to go on record right here that in a few expansions time you will see a rework of Baku and Genn the two cards blizzard had to drop out of standard early and just let to rot wild from the inside
I don’t understand such complaints.
There were always Aggro decks. It’s just one of the possible archetypes.
Look at Classic. Aggro Hunter goes face with everything, Druid deals 14 damage from hand with Savage Roar and Force of Nature.Do you think there are many ways to prevent that kind of damage after a certain turn? In Classic of all modes?
So you play defensively: Taunts, heals, armor. But there aren’t that many ways in Classic to deal with such aggression, because there are fewer cards and tools at your disposal, and very limited possibility to get resources outside your deck.
My complaint on aggro was that it’s become simpler not that there’s no defence against it aggro decks used to loose steam to a certain extent you could hold back the torrent of cards and win but now it’s made so simple. Cards that just go face spells from hand that just can go face. Aggro decks no longer have to worry about anything I play wild and all I see are baku new quest hunters who don’t care what you play because they know all they have to do is go face. In the old days back when whispers came out aggro used to be a rush hit them with everything you’ve got to end it before turn 5/6, now a days a aggro deck doesn’t care it can afford to get wiped on turn 5 and just wait for its cards that will by pass healing by pass taunt. Taunt has become a useless minion type all classes now have more then enough cards to by pass taunt.
My issue with the game is that it’s become simple, simple aggro decks that go face and are made easy to go face. Legendary minions that are simple play this get effect. Simple cards that are either use on face or rng create card. Gone are the days of Reno decks that make you think when should I use these cards, combo decks that require a insane use of random cards to make a big scene. As I said I play wild to have a glint of those days yet all I face are pirate warrior 2.0 secret mage 2.0 and aggro odd Hunter 2.0. There is no diversity anymore it is now simple deck with simple mechanics no skill or thought just play cards and hit face.
Honestly , when has hearthstone ever been skillbased? Its always more about good match ups against your type of deck and also the rng of getting the right cards you need when drawing. Its like calling roulette skillbased.
But i new expansions are often Strong until they get their nerf so people wich buy alot of packs with real money have the advantage when the expansion is new. Sure new expansions always have been rather strong. But the current standard decks with questlines are by far too strong even with previous expansions standards. A super short and super strong questline wich can be done quicker than normal quests is just a stupid idea. The idea is good but simply can be finished far too quickly with some classes
I can explain the problem. But no one will want to hear it because many will find it insulting.
First of all, aggro play has been really dumbed down. As someone has said even kids can play decks like pirate warrior and face hunter. And they’ll probably climb the ladder too. Old school aggro sometimes required a bit of planning. Simply topdecking pirates as a gameplan is the pinnacle of easy play.
Result: Aggro = No skill requirement. Even easier to play and succeed in modern ladder than with classic mode.
Now this is the part I think people have trouble understanding. What does ‘CONTROL’ archetype deck actually mean? It used to mean a deck that prioritized board control and short term survival over direct damage to face. And generally being patient and winning a game gradually, however long it took.
But I don’t think it means that necessarily. For me, control play is the anti-meta. It means catering your deck to handle whatever decks are considered top tier in their respective ladder whilst remaining competitive against all archetypes.
Importantly this takes independent thought, time and game knowledge. Copying a meta deck from a website will not help you. Decks the top players use are catered for and adapted to the opposition they are used to facing regularly. Their decks are not meant for the rest of us. I think many don’t realize this.
And I don’t want to hear anyone say that you cant counter enough in 1 deck to remain competitive because you can. Remember, you just have to win more than 50% of your games.
Result: Control = Very high skill requirement + game knowledge. More than it ever did (at least in wild where anything goes). Much harder to play than old school classic because of new cards and ever changing meta. Meaning that it’s a very difficult way to win consistently.
- The gulf in game IQ in the game has changed. Some players are upset that aggro players can win too easily. To them it feels like the game has lost its integrity and they don’t think its fair.
- Other players are upset because the fact is you have to play smarter and be more focused than ever to consistently beat decks that require no skill to pilot. And they don’t want to admit they are just not good enough to play that way.
Just like the “poor get poorer and the rich get richer”. In HS terms, aggro has got simpler and control is harder than ever. Its’ the imbalance causing player unrest.
But at least wild has a heck of a lot more depth than classic ever did. That’s why im still playing
you are arrogant, ignorant and you clearly don’t understand english or definition of skill or card games, that require mostly luck not skill !!!
~Either way, talk to the hand kid !!!