Top 4 on played-WR, bumping an extra 10% chance to win by simply landing a neutral, Classic minion. Pyroblast, Savage Roar and Bloodlust are top 3 (in that order) but:
All have a much lower presentation than Leeroy, with Leeroy being ahead by a whooping 12% from SR; sure, all are class-specific, but still 12% difference from the second is too much. Actually, Leeroy comes to top 3 among all cards in deck presentation with Zyliax (Neutral but not Classic) being first and Ooze second (tech for Waggle basically). That proves the first point, Leeroy is too good for a Classic, Neutral minion.
Decks with Pyroblast have below 50% wr so at the end it doesnt even matter if PB gives your opponent lethal, you wont queue with those decks at the first place. Also, decks with SR or BL have a roughly equal or lower wr than the ones with Leeroy. In what game except HS would that make sense? None. Powerful tools should be class specific, not be given freely.
BL and SR need you to set up board, thus invest both resources and turns to play effective. Leeroy however requires little to no set-up…
… and that brings me to my last observation. I checked my STD stats from this season. Out of 87 games from 5 to 3, 25% were against Rogue, go figure… Why? cause Leeroy with Waggle Pick getting you 16-0 by turn 8 is a thing. So easy to pull off, with RP thinnening your deck by 6 and drawing you the weapon you need… but anyway thats off topic.
I might be wrong but i think its time for Leeroy to move his ninja pulling butt to HoF. His powercurve is too high, and doesnt feel right nerfing cards from the latest expansions, they’ve barely been played, but Leeroy does since forever.
How did i miss that? Welp. Fr, standard Meta idd gave me aids. When Token Druids were on top, you saw slower aoe decks rising (Nomi/Wall Priest, Handlock, etc.), now its pure RogueStone.
@Pepsicola those are very good reasons for Leeroy to GTFO, I’m very disappointed that the devs replaced Charge with rush (which is basically charge with the best feature removed, like “Look, here’s an avocado, but only the stone.”) Unless they give some compensation (deleting Baku-Genn, as sacrifice for me, anything in the neighborhood of that) I’m against. Though I believe it is a well deserved, or better justified than deserved Hall of Fame here.
Also, note that Leeroy is much better now that aggro decks have more pressure and card draw
I have to admit, I’m getting to the point where I feel Leeroy does need to be considered for the HoF. For about 5 expansions now it’s been pretty much an auto-include in all of the strongest aggro/tempo decks. Rogue is currently using it to devastating effect with cards like Waggle Pick, and Odd Paladin was generating enough pressure by itself without Leeroy that allowing it access to this card was just overkill.
I think we’ve got to the point now where strong aggro/tempo decks have been given the tools they need to continue to generate sustained pressure and value without them needing a knockout punch card
But they still need that, Leeroy is also the staple to many combos and aggro needs those for tech, also note that they sometimes push synergy for a card to check if it’s alright, then if they intend to make more support for it they adjust it or remove it to the trash can (wild) before it’s too late
Do they? Honestly? Think about that for a bit and then come back to me. Look at the evidence…murloc shaman, doing fine without utilising Leeroy, Token druid, doing fine without utilising Leeroy, most rogue decks are doing pretty damn well without including Leeroy…even last meta Odd Paladin was extremely strong even without using Leeroy, zoolock was extremely strong even without Leeroy…….I’m not saying it’s not a great tool for them, I’m saying that aggro and tempo decks are pretty damn strong even without it. Leeroy was great as a last ditch knockout but the devs have made significant strides in giving aggro and tempo decks the tools they need to generate additional value and continue to generate pressure that that knockout punch is no longer needed, and if it is, a lot of them have tools besides Leeroy to do that…Bloodlust, Savage Roar, Spells…he’s literally just overkill now
That said, I’ve been an advocate for Leeroy being put into the HoF the last 2 times, despite being fine with the card. Seems like we’ve got at least another year of having chicken
I’m not judging it on wr, I’m judging it on how many more than capable aggro and tempo decks are out there that don’t even utilise it to show that aggro and tempo archetypes are in a strong enough place without it
Leeroy nerfed a lot and people keep on say hall of fame him, its always the same if a card gets played to much hall of fame it. If you keep hall of faming classic cards or basic you will have nothing left. The point is when charge mechanic is needed as a finisher at least for aggro, without it how many games would of carried on and aggro would of died ages ago.
The dev team know the importance of Leeroy to a point as a balance card for certain aggro decks. The streaming community point out when they are near death they calculate how much damage they can take with Leeroy and play around it. If Leeroy was not around the last 2 years Hearthstone would of been a much worse game with control. The scenario of long games ye ofc Leeroy going to be HOF but not in the near future my friend.
No it didn’t! It’s a lie!!! None of the decks we mentioned ever existed…only Leeroy and Edwin…they are the ONLY cards rogue has…or it doesn’t exist