Tombs of Terror Boss HP Bug

I was playing the Heroic Chapter one, previously got it down only to about 270-ish. But then I had a really good run, and managed to get the Boss down to about 60 HP and used the Hearthstone treasure, thinking I’ll be able to finish it off.
However, it was back to Phase 2 with 172 HP, and I could only do minimal damage, but after the game even that damage was negated and it was back to 172 HP.
The fact that the boss had his health back, more than 100 of it just makes the whole run feel pointless and despite having unlocked a lot of new options, it completely killed my interest in playing the mode again.
Why would I try again if the health pool is just going to reset again despite the fact it’s not supposed to?


Yep ive experienced this bug TWICE, both run i got boss really low from 300 and it went back to 300, this bug alone as killed my interest in the game mode that up until now i was loving to play
Im actually really sad about this bug because i honestly dont even want to launch hearthstone again today because of it, i know it will get fixed but still the hearthstone team are doing a terrible job when a game breaking bug (well solo adventure breaking bug) makes it past them, seriosly ots paid content, i may have not payed with real money but it was a lot of bloody grinding!


“dont worry, we can whittle down the boss’s health bar little at a time. the boss cant regenerate.”
except it can.
managed to get the boss from 300 to 60ish in 1 go & used the hearthstone.
and boom, back at 300hp
this time got only to around 160ish and died.

“dont worry, the boss cant regenerate.”
except it did again.
the chapter select showed me that the boss still had 300hp left, so i literally got nothing out of that run.
so pissed right now. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::money_with_wings:
i know see why its called the “plague of madness”

also dont think me bailing out of the fight caused this, it worked fine during my first run on chapter 1.
deal damage, when about to die hearth out, deal damage, die, progress saved.


Thats actually how i beat madness first time, got the treasure that deals 10 and 10 to the plague lord, did the damage, use it again and then used the hearthstone, it deal all the damage again and i skipped the third phase as he got shredded

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Same thing happened to me. On my first heroic run at the Plague Lord of Madness I got him down to around 165 life left and then used Hearthstone since his Chuthun was up to around 65/65 and I wanted to bounce before he got a chance to drop it. Well as soon as I finished the Tavern encounter I was dismayed to find the bosses hp was back to 300. The second attempt after the Tavern went a lot better and I got him down below 100 life before dying. Prior to starting my next run though I noticed his life was back to 300 again. Surely that’s a mistake I thought, so I ran through it again and sure enough, once I got to the boss he was back to 300 life again. Well on the third attempt I got him down to around 140 before dying and losing that run and guess what. It’s showing he’s BACK to 300 again! Surely this is madness!


Yeah, just happened to me. A new run and I got him to 18 HP. Imagine my face when I saw it back to 300 in the menu. Add to this the battles with these bosses are really tedious. I really don’t feel like playing right now.


This expansion sucks. Worst expansion ever !!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: 3 runs Where is good old One Night in Karazhan like dungeons :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Where are the official? Try to do something and fix it!!

I didn’t play for 5 days, I don’t even have this season’s chest, and it’s not like I lost any ranked matches, that’s how bad it got really

I’ve encountered this as well. DPS, Hearth out, DPS, die. and damage was saved. But the runs after that didn’t save their damage. I’ve also seen some reddit posts claiming hearthing out broke it for them also.