It is said that the effect is “When this attacks, set the defender’s stats to 3/3. (Once per combat)” It does not say “Set initial stats to 3/3” When it attacks a beast that was buffed by Goldrin or any in combat buff, it does not set the stats to 3/3, in fact it gives all 1/1 tokens additiona +2/+2.
Example rat token 1/1 buffed by goldrin to 42/42 becomes 44/44 when attacked by Transmuted Bramblewitch.
It seems that it does not affect minions buffed during combat, it only changes the initial stats with which the minion started the combat phase.
That does sound like a bug. Good find!
Doubt it’s a bug. The same applies for the minion whose stats are based on how many tavern spells have been played, as well as the undead whose stats are based on how many times it’s died.
The 3/3 change is checked once, ie when the Brambell attacks, but the minions stats are permanently checked. So, it changes to 3/3 when attacked, but instantaneously reverts to it’s ‘actual’ stats, which prevents it from dying.
Leeroy is a much better option imo, but it depends on what drops in the tavern.
it is a bug, as it says “When this attacks, set the defender’s stats to 3/3. (Once per combat)” explicitly, but does not do so. Original 5/1 undedad becomes 3/3, buffed “Wherever they are” undeda buffed to 5/1 from 1/1 becomes 5/3.
Unless it is a poor wording, it is a bug. Blizzard should either update the tooltip text or fix it.