Unlocking wild mode

how do u unlock wild mode now?

i play HS since beta in 2013 but my new gf just started playing and all i have is wild decks. i could borrow her one of mine to play but she needs to unlock that mode in the first place

thanks in advance

according to gamepedia, she needs to play a tavern brawl that includes wild-only card or craft a wild-only card.

yeah, we tried crafting wild cards, but it just doesnt appear as she doesnt have access to it

i wouldnt rely on gamepedia. it also said wild can be unlocked by reaching 25 rank, but its gone now

wait, if she just started playing, has she reached bronze 10 yet? cause thatā€™s teh equivalent of rank 25.

in other words, I think she needs to get out of the new player ranks.

answering to the previous question, we she didnt craft it cuz wild cards didnt appear in her collection

yea I got that on the second read, thatā€™s why I edited it out :wink:

Iā€™m currently playing on a new account. when I get to bronze 10 Iā€™ll check if I can access wild and report back here.

Couldnt she get a witchwood, boomsday ir ratakan pack? There about to go into wild so she would then have wild cards


Iā€™m also having the same issue as your gf. Did you end up figuring it out? Would love to know because Iā€™m really confused lol

oh I forgot to report back. Iā€™ve reached bronze 10 and can access wild. but I did pick up a rastakhans rumble pack before the rotation, so I do have wild-only cards in my collection.

if you canā€™t access wild when youā€™re at least bronze 10, then you gotta craft a wild-only card I think.

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how do you craft a wild only card? Sorry Iā€™m new to this. Thanks!!!

If you a new player and cannot craft wild cards,then try to go to the ingame shop,and buy any wild pack of your choice with 1oo gold.I think after you obtained wild cards this way ,you also must be allowed to craft.(after you passed the new player ranks).

type the name of the card in the search box in your collection. it should say that it didnā€™t find anything, but that there are results in wild. then you should be able to switch to the wild-only section via the toggle on the bottom left of your screen.

I seem to have this problem to. Im playing in wild mode, but it seems like i cant access wild card, atleast ā€œBaku the mooneaterā€ legendary wild card. When i search for it, it says its in the wild collection. Im am rank Silver 10 atm, bought wild packs and frozen throne adventure.

If you would go to your collection in the main menu where you can see all your cards, there is a button in the lower left corner next to the mana crystals you can click on. ( for PC, dont know the exact layout on mobile )

From here you can select what cards to show and it should be the top button ā€˜ā€™ show all cardsā€™ā€™
If you dont know which cards are wild then select each expansion in that list to see what you have obtained.
you could also type ā€˜ā€™ new ā€˜ā€™ in the searchbox for cards if you selected show all cards.
Then every new card you have obtained has a red circle to it.