Evening ladies and gents.
Imma 'bout to get Naxx since its the last raid i miss and possibly a few RoS packs. I noticed prices are the same in both EU and US shop, but currency is different. Considering 1USD ~= 0.89 EUR, could one “cheat the system” and buy those for an EU account through US shop? If so, are there any restrictions concerning the payment method? (i got 2x20 EUR Balance cards)
Ty in advance.
Well id assume if you bought the us version youd only have it on your us version of your account, probably best just getting it normally but if you really want to risk saving a bit of money go for the us version and if fails contact blizzard support for a refund to get it properly
Welp! Doesnt work Balance seems to be region - restricted. If i visit eu battlenet, it says ive got 40 EUR but if i switch the prefix to us, Balance dissapears and if you attempt any purchases you get the error:
" You don’t have enough Blizzard Balance to cover the cost of this purchase.
Purchase additional Blizzard Balance or redeem a Blizzard Balance Card and try again."
You forget that in the US shop they don’t have the VAT added in to the price. EU does.
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I’m always fascinated of all the little cheats and petty scams, younglings come with.
Short answer, no you can’t.
- You don’t accaunt for money transfer taxes and VAT, as metioned above
- Even if you do it (actually pretty ez way about it but will not share details here) you will unlock the content to your us accaunt, not the eu.
If you want a cheaper, legit way to buy packs - use the amazon offers, you can save up to 25% there.
P.S. Gets 2x20 eur cards, can’t figure out that they are region locked
just pay with a credit card.
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" 1. Even if you do it (actually pretty ez way about it but will not share details here) you will unlock the content to your us accaunt, not the eu."
Just so I understand it correctly. You think there is a way that I could use my EU battle net credit to buy gametime on my us account. Because otherwise I kind of wasted my money on buying battle net credit, because I want to play my US account.