Warlock Galakrond

WTH is this rubbish…

I just played against a Shaman who played Galakrond 2 x 8/8 when summoned.

Warlock summon 2 random demons… WTF… I got a Voidwalker and a 1/6 taunt big deal…

Once again another expansion where warlock gets a crap hero power with their “hero”.

Why not Discover 2 minions or play 2 random demons of X cost or more.

We need some decent demons as the pool of “Good demons” is pretty damned small.

There is too many small cost minions for Galakrond to be actually useful when summoned, On average we will end up with 2 minions of less than 4 cost.

Guldan 4ever missed.

Oh no, Warlock Galakrond is bad, it’s not like Bloodreaver Gul’ Dan is amazingly Felforge is one of the best draw power cards in the game or anything. Big whoop the Warlock Galakrond is bad, they’ve had some insane legendaries in the past and besides you got it for free

So yes we got him for free but whats the point in giving us a card/hero which is practically useless for Warlocks but for so many other classes he can be quite beneficial?

“Wow heres a new card which is absolutely useless”

We dont even have decent Invoke class cards ffs a 1/1 for 3 mana is a joke.

So meanwhile while other classes get to play their useful Galakrond, Warlocks have to suck it up once again and basically not bother with it.

Yes I am jealous that other classes can use Galakrond and as a Warlock player I cannot use it because it,s so bad.

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